Ireland politics (Part 2)

Multiple energy suppliers has been inflationary in Ireland rather than driving down price for consumers.

Massive issue. It’s costing my sister money to work currently because of this


Down 20%, after what level of increase ?

She’s little to complsin about. Aren’t Corp Tax receipts at an all time high?

Tim will be along shortly to tell her she’s never had it so good

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Yeah that gives her great comfort

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Terrible to see lads contempt for women or indeed men who choose to work in the home minding their own children.

She needs to pull on the green jersey and support Irish based companies and a government who are absolutely fleecing her. Our GDP figures are the envy of the world. She should be celebrating, not moaning about the cost of everything.

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Now I have you. Good point.

Do you think she should pay less income tax ?

In fairness to @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy, we had one of the cheapest electricity tariffs in europe before we deregulated the market.

It was that cheap no other supplier would come in to Ireland so in order to have competition the regulator made the ESB put the prices up so much the competition would come in. What a load of shite. Much higher cost but at least we could switch suppliers !


And the goverment were able to directly influence the cost rather than hope suppliers reduce rates, while making record profits. Madness ted. Whats the point of the regulator

They’re making the same argument now to raise the toll road charges. We won’t get foreign investors unless we raise the profit margin on this no-lose proposition. Bizarre :man_shrugging:

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State monopolies for the win !

I believe that anyone here who has ever voted for FF or FG has zero credible right to complain about the state of this country.


She shouldn’t be subsudising multi million profit making companies.

Why should other tax payers have to subsidise her then?

Income tax is way too high in Ireland versus value we get.

The country is flying it