Ireland politics (Part 2)

EU procurement rules make that hard so they are using housing bodies

Seems to be a bit being built in Limerick atm, no?

One big thing the State should have is a map showing everything in planning, with permission but not under construction, stuff under construction and recent completions.

There is something for Dublin but they seem to have pulled it down in the last couple of months. Would be an easy win for the government.

There is in fairness, particularly over the last couple of years. Long way to go though. Very little if any apartments are being built.

We could just tell the EU to fuck off as well. The Hungarians do what they want the cunts

There’s Mary Lou up North on Channel 4 News winding up the DUP and Unionists with talk of a united Ireland. They’ll love that.

For all the navel-gazing over referenda I thought the most interesting article of the weekend was this on the EU arming themselves at a rapid rate and how we’re increasingly out of step and perceived as freeloaders.

Trust the Germans to have a word for it now - Kriegstüchtig - being able to go to war so that we don’t have to go to war

I think we underestimate how much this will feed into politics in the coming years and maybe should put a bit more attention on it here instead of dabbling in gesture politics like the last couple of weeks.

As the EU prepares for war, Ireland sticks its head in the sand


Thomas Brady was telling the forum about this repeatedly over the last few years but alas, it fell on deaf ears. The EU has decided it wants to be a military superpower and arms seller.

Questions on defense are valid but aspiring to be the US is a different animal and something we, as Europeans, shouldn’t be be aiming for.

National defense needs addressing but we’ll never have the air or sea capabilities truly required… So do we fall inline with the militarisation of the EU to make up for it? Do we want to be the play things of the next von der Leyen and jump to an Israel’s defence?


I don’t think this is driven by an ambition to compete with the US. It’s driven by genuine defence concerns precipitated by the recent Russian aggression and the increasing sense that the US mightn’t be as committed to the defence of the EU as previously. In other words the threads are bigger and the EU wants to be in control of its own defence. That seems utterly reasonable to me.

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No to Lisbon!

Bitta National service might be what this country needs

I wish i shared your outlook… This has been on the books a long time and it’s being dressed up as defence. Look at where EU money has been going to for years… The lobbyists of arms manufacturers… Top eu guys taking jobs with arms suppliers… funding Israeli institutions that produce weapons.

Weaponry and war is big bidness.

No doubt it is big business but I’m not sure that’s a particularly logical reason to dismiss it. Healthcare is big business but we don’t reduce spending on it just because companies somewhere are making money or because lots of people work in it


It is big bidness… But morality has to come into it. Would you be happy being locked into the EU military complex if it supported Israel as an example? I think that’s where we’re caught… We can’t afford the proper air and sea defence required so we rely on others


GOAL has had its share of scandal and controversy.

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Let’s double the size of the public service while we’re defunding all NGOs

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We need to create a whole department of audit to keep tabs on public services and anywhere public money is spent. Saying that the money spent in NGOs and forgien aid is massive, i thinknit ahould be put onto public services and infrastructure. The electricity grid needs a massive investment to keep up with renewable energy for example

Food is big business, therefore let’s all starve to death in protest.

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Some sort of Comptroller and Auditor General, perhaps?


Interesting to see the support the EU is getting here for funding Israeli weaponry.

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