Ireland politics (Part 2)

Us poor IT folk are barely surviving

Can’t read that… Presume that’s senior lads? What’s Gardai flat pay? Do they get a rake of made up allowances?

There’s Limerick hurlers training 30 hours for free.

Greatness has a price


Obviously goes up in increments. €51k after 10 years which is the level you were quoting must have had them.

Recent survey had it overall at;

Figures show gardaí enjoyed average weekly earnings, including overtime and bonuses, of €1,579.28 in the third quarter

Tops out at €82k.

I would guess we know why the new rosters aren’t popular.

I’m not sure where they got their numbers actually as the nurses look to be at €50k after 10 years too.

I think the problem really is though that it is incredibly difficult to save for a deposit whilst paying Dublin rents. Also after 10 years might be when most will be married now these days, but that delays things like having children which is bad for society overall.

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I think prices need to come down a bit but rent is the bigger problem.

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It’s a serious trap as you say while trying to save

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Rent is absolutely scandalous. How they fix that problem is very hard to know though. I think this all comes back to 2008 when the country went into a deep recession. We’re still miles behind in terms of units being built over those proceeding years. The construction industry basically folded. That is the root cause with a growing population too.

As an example, 10 years ago, myself and the missus were renting a nice two bed apartment in Limerick for 650 euro a month. A grand spot. You would probably be paying 1800 euro if not more for that now. How are young people going to be able to save money in that scenario unless they’re earning serious cash in their 20’s.

Its brutal.


The last time rents were reasonable was during the recession when the arse fell out of the market. The only fix is more supply.


Co living and shared living were deemed unacceptable on behalf of young renters by property owners in detached and semi detached houses

There’s also huge delays caused by the new regs and local authority sign off. Very hard for any small developer now.

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Aodhán argues that there should be a Dublin pay adjustment for guards, nurses, teachers. Whatever the standard rate is multiplied by 1.X. I can’t recall what the “X” should be but apparently it’s common enough for capital cities elsewhere.

Rent basically fell in Dublin last year. I think the rest of the country will be far behind because there isn’t the same apartment build to rent schemes that are popping up in Dublin.

Given the extra money for Guards in Dublin was for overtime for country Guards, it seems logical.

Rent needs to be about 25% to 30% of net take home.

So €1,800 would need the couple to be each on about €50k each which takes 5-10 years for most working professionals (I’d guess).

Problem is that it would be more like €2,500 in Dublin. And the supply has dwindled outside of Dublin.

There are two nettles to grasp in the country. Housing and health.

You could live with the rest. Housing would put a big dent in the cost of living too.

I think health is basically unfixable outside someone getting a mandate to burn the whole thing to the ground, but housing is very fixable.

Just build fucking houses.

Sort planning, fuck off appeals, if you get planning you must start within 6 months, the person who applies for planning must build it (and not sell a site with planning) and finish within say 2 years. Depending on the size of the site obviously.

Really the government should go out. Acquire a site under cpo. Give themselves planning and say here you go Mr builder. Finish that on time or else. And rinse and repeat everywhere.

Modular housing is the future I think.

Every uni in the country should get money to build fuck loads of student accommodation, they can pay back the state on 0% loans and once paid back use the money to fund the uni.

Might not work for trinners or even UCC. But even at that they could buy sites somewhere and build the fucking things.


LDA are now starting to buy up places with planning and developing it.

Very little risk for developers right now once they can actually start building as the government will buy the development if all else fails.

Basically the only reason why Ireland is building a lot more housing right now whilst the rest of Europe is going backwards.

Not sustainable really but it’s working for the moment.

Supply is the key absolutely.

I maintain its all to do with the total collapse in the construction industry 15 years ago. From looking on the odd time out of interest, I don’t think I’ve ever seen less properties available to rent ever.

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Properties are up year on year in Dublin.

Most builds outside of Dublin are still houses and to buy.

The supply of rentals in Limerick is crazy at the minute. Lots of new jobs coming on stream this year and next. Fuck knows where they are supposed to live


Its crazy. Unless they’re expecting people to commute there is nothing locally available to match the demand at all.