Ireland politics (Part 2)

You answered it. Heā€™s in the highest office in the country. Quite an achievement for any politician in this country.


And heā€™s inept at it. What has he achieved politically. Plenty of high profile roles, almost nothing to show for him.

Is Steve Staunton a good manager because he got the Ireland job?

Heā€™s earned his multiple pensions from the state

Focus mate

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Fuck you MNCs.

Is this Micheal Martinā€™s final ā€œfuck youā€ to the nationā€™s youth?

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That will be seismic

Embarrassing. Should have sent pearsey over for the senior hurling game once the minor wan was out of the way

Sums up this administration.

Afraid of a dressing down from Heinrich, Marcel, Jose and Sven so wilt at the first bit of pressure exerted.


MicheƔl Martin continues to quietly impress as Taoiseach*.

*On some things.

Have small businesses not suffered enough in the last 18 months?

MNCs have the manpower to get their effective rate down so the ones who will take the brunt of this are the types of businesses that have been absolutely hammered recently. And all to save a little face and fight a perception. Absolutely pathetic.


FG have to collapse the government now.

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No chance. They are petrified of an election.

I see Katherine Zappobe has been appointed special envoy for freedom of expression (no idea either)

Could be a nice earner for Zapper

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They all seem to end up with nice earners. Even Noreen Oā€™Sullivan appointed to the board of the National Maternity Hospital after all she didnā€™t do when she was Garda Commissioner.

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thats like putting a fox in charge of a henhouse

Letā€™s hope it doesnā€™t involve her having to travel all around Dublin to get to her office like her last job a few miles away


Sheā€™s in the Merrion hotel an awful lot. It must be her digs when in Dublin for govt business (ie work)