Ireland politics (Part 2)

Give it Niall Collins, they need a slieveen and someone with brass neck.

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Only way some of these tds will save their own seat is to be publicly turning on MM. Its clear the general public see through him. Dyed in the wool FF see what he has done to the party and how Leo has made an absolute fool of him. Chump got his seal of office and thatā€™s all he cares about


He is a reprehensible bastard.


He might even be relieved to be ousted now instead of another few years getting walked all over by Tony and Leo.

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I honestly struggle to find any redeeming quality in the man. Maybe the smoking ban.

I feel the pain but have resisted, with a struggle, from giving you a like publically.

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He opposed that initially. The unions told him it had to come in and then he championed it. Heā€™s a fraud


He has absolutely no back bone


Not until he gets to The White House as Taoiseach. Thatā€™s all heā€™s there for.

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I do t think he is as bad a leader of FF as he is made out. He isnā€™t a good Taoiseach but he has done a great job of FF. FF is toxic to a huge number of people since the crash, it needs to show a progressive new face to win voters back, or win any voters at all. It also is the preferred party of people resistant to social change, pretty much everyone against the last two referendums voted FF. So itā€™s currently the policy backwards arsed fuckwits and bigots, and needs to be progressive and modernised. And somehow, Martin has managed to ride those two horses and become Taoiseach. I think heā€™s a genius as a leader of FF.

Fianna FĆ”il havenā€™t a hope of being seen as a progressive and modernized party

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What has Martin achieved in his political career?

Being the first invertebrates to be elected leader of a country

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Circa 200k a year

The smoking ban.

Whatā€™s his current job?

I donā€™t disagree with you. But they have to have some bit of a veneer of modernism while being careful not to turn off their core vote of bigots and backwards minded gobshites. Itā€™s not an easy job in fairness.

Heā€™s the worst Taoiseach the state has ever had. Completely out of his depth. Itā€™s like saying Steve Staunton had a good managerial career.


You asked the question.

Ya. Iā€™m still waiting for an answer.