Ireland politics (Part 2)

Eoin O’ Duffy sends his regards.

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Name me a politician that doesn’t deserve dogs abuse.

Kyle Hayes the big winner here.


What movie did Leo qoute to sign off?

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Overall he did a fairly decent job. Unless there’s some massive scandal that unfolds that is the reason for his resignation people will see that once the recency bias is lost

Could the three Government parties have new leaders come election time?

Decent job? Seriously. A complete fraud who has set FG back generations not to mention the country


Never had more homelessness.

Never been more people waiting on trolleys.

Strange definition of ‘fairly decent job’.

We skipped the light fandango
Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor
I was feeling kinda seasick
The crowd called out for more


Two out of three ain’t bad, as the man says.

Can’t beat a bit of hyperbole

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Lack of class from Holly Cairns there.
Just say a few decent words, instead of kicking a man when he’s down.


I see sleepy Eamon staying on. He might wake from his nap at the counting centres

Oi oi😉

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Roderic o gorman


Both the Greens & FF could probably do with a new leadership bounce. I don’t mind Eamonn Ryan, he’s not the worst but just doesn’t play the politics game very well which has made him “toxic” to a large portion of the electorate.

If the other parties have new leaders, FF who are already very stale looking, will look even worse.

Martin made a comment a few months back about how the HSE funding needs to be sorted once and for all.

And him the guy who set it up!!

Fuck them.


If Eamon didnt come out with some ridiculous statements like the grow lettuce one he would be alright. Not the worst, has achieved some good green policy in government tbf

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Is Holly a cunt??
