Ireland politics (Part 2)

Beware the ides of March.

Et tu Paschal?


If ever a party needed to never have to have a new leader ever again it’s Fianna Fail.

Who are these potential Fianna Fail leaders in waiting that might give them a “bounce”?

Norma Foley?


@ebeneezerScrooge wherever he went has the life savings on Darragh O Brien
My money would go on James lawless. Hes not half as gormless as the rest of them and debates quite well imo. He torched sf’s housing guru EoB on twitter a few years back. Had him deleting and editing twwleets then coming back a day or two later for more.


Few people have heard of him which is a plus for him.

Any of O’Brien, McGrath, O’Callaghan, Cowen, Calleary etc. would be an utter car crash.

Fine Gael looking to appoint Paolo Di Canio until the local and European elections.

It reminds me of the time when the last FF government was in utter meltdown and word leaked out that Batt O’Keeffe had assumed the role of “brains of the operation”. It was a case of Abandon All Hope.


Was his job in government not just ‘to get the cans in’ for Brian Cowen?

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Anyone who thinks Enda Kenny did a good job can fuck off. I’d be no fan of FG but at least Varadkar had a bit about him. Wasn’t afraid to rattle a few cages. One of the few politicians who spoke up for Maurice McCabe while the rest of the cunts rowed in behind Callinan.

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No he assumed a dominant role in Cabinet because “he had once lectured in economics in CIT”

I’ve never heard of him.

His family name is steeped in Fianna Fail.

I hope that’s a funny joke

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Kenny tore strips off the Vatican in a great speech and apologised for the mother and baby homes in another great speech. That’s about all I have in favour of him.

Both open goals. Kenny was a politician in the 80s wasn’t he? Pretty quiet about it all back then.


He was trouble right from the start of his career in politics

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Paschal into 5s - here we go!


Tis a nawful addiction lads.

It’s opening up nicely for Jennifer Carroll McNeill to lead FG and be our first female Taoiseach.

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