Ireland politics (Part 2)

Her husband always could find an opening where one didnt appear to exist heretofore.

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Ok. Im on! Come on to fuck Pascal!

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Now 4/1

All aboard!

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Paschal is as bright and able a politician as weā€™ve ever had. Thereā€™s very few of his calibre in any party.


Kennys policies and government were as bad as zeos. At least kenny came across as a decent man, i could at least say the same as martin. Leo doesnt have that

Coveney rules himself out as next FG leader.

7/2 the Donny

Paschal is still 6s with Denise if youā€™re looking

Itā€™s for Harris to lose at this point. He always struck me as as an ambitious type whoā€™d be likely to keep a dossier on his colleagues fuck-ups to be used when appropriate.

If there isnā€™t a similar dossier on him heā€™ll be home.

Klaus Schwab will make sure he is well looked after


My sources deep in government circles tell me Humphreys has a decent shot at getting thisā€¦rural female and from close to the border

The North led by a Provo and the South led by an Orangewoman. Thatā€™s proper planning for a united Ireland.


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This is true. And he was popular with mammies during covid. But if any adult in their right minds thinks heā€™ll attract votes to FG or that heā€™s the sort of fella the public wants to lead the country then they are thick as mince. Theyā€™ll have a quick look round and ask pascal if he wants it. Humphreys is too female, protestant and hasnt had a proper briefā€¦ well social welfare has been quiet under her watch. I suppose thats a good thing. Mcintee is the other? Surely she has enough people in the party who dislike her and think she was promoted above her capabilities or ā€˜serviceā€™ deserved. Pascal Pascal Pascal

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Harris will set FG back 20 years. I hope he gets itā€¦

As an aside, He has the look of a fella that wears white Y fronts that are constantly piss stained.


Can we just all agree that itā€™s time and let bygones be bygones.

Yeah McEntee has too many enemies. Humphreys just isnā€™t capable or proven enough.

The worry with Pascal is he isnā€™t interested in it. He hasnā€™t been as openly careerist as the likes of Harris. But think heā€™d be way more popular electorally.

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The voice.

Oh good God the voice.

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