Ireland politics (Part 2)

Enda did fuck all. Sure they wouldn’t let him speak for a finish because he kept putting his foot in it. The Silent Taoiseach.

Bertie would have been proud of tbat grubby stunt at the Leix tractor draw last week.

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Bertie wouldnt be fit to raise half a million, he had to beg for it.

Enda saved the country from the FF shenannigans with Burty up trees in da narthside and presenting the premiership. I’d say hes fair sick he fucked his run for the Aras.

Are you trying to get me to stand up for Bertie here? You could be waiting a while. As the last few years have shown there was never any difference between FFG . 2 x cheeks of the same smelly, corrupt hole.


The mask slipped there briefly, nice save. You used your vote well. Burty served dubalin gah well too.

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I say they will have the same issue as SF in the last GE, a large first preference with no transfers available

Aontu are polling at 1% in the latest opinion polls for what it’s worth.

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The only way is up, I suppose

The TFK awkward squad are placing a lot of faith in them.


The Magdalene Laundries will be reopened before we know it


Polls also had a landslide yes yes vote and the shinners way out performed them in the last GE

Go ahead and knock yourself out pal.

Come here they wont get the same seats as SF did but will make serious gains from the working class areas where SF did well in the last GE. Maybe 4 or 5 seats off them.

Aontu will get fuck all. Headbangers are loud but there’s not many of them

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I couldn’t name one Aontu representative outside of Peadar Tobin

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They need a big name in the upcoming transfer window.

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They may rename as DĂłtu if they get another elected


They’re like the Iona Institute for muldoons.


Left of centre republicans