Ireland politics (Part 2)

Harris likes the power but not the responsibilities that come with it. Once the dust settles he will be very much exposed. FG probably have a floor nationally at 15% but their policies have disenfranchised farmers, Gardaí and a lot of their core rural base so interesting times ahead.

Correct but Meehole will not be leading FF



Politics is funny to watch.

It’s amusing to see the lower ranks flanking the speaker when he or she is doing an interview. Purporting to support the speaker but in reality posturing for profile.

Then there is the cat and mouse with the media. Some who are in the inner circle and others who are not.

All a big game with power the main objective at all times.


Don’t they all.

Does this actually work? Will all those who use to stand behind Varadkar destroy those pictures and replace with ones with Harris.

The other day after Leo jumped ship when Michael Martin came out to give his speech on how wonderful a person Varadkar was and how he was the next best thing since sliced bread, he didn’t have any of the party faithful standing behind him. He was out there on his own, not even Lisa Chambers who I thought had been attached to Martin.

Loads of that on the tweet machine… Photo ops saying 'proud to stand with our new leader ’ yada yada yada. This time next year they’ll be saying the same when shaking the new leader’s hand

Ladies and gentlemen and those that don’t identify as either, the new Leader. :slight_smile:

Harris obviously had Inda Kinny as a small God, but trying to be his incarnation in the politics of 2024 drains the colour from my face. I’m literally morto for the sitting coalition and this is going to go spectacularly down in flames.

He looks and sounds ancient…and not from Greystones.

My headscratcher of the day is this: Why do former health ministers in Ireland get promoted to Taoiseach instead of demoted for not fixing the health service? Like, are we actually that stupid in this country?

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Through this the well-beloved Pathcal stabb’d…This was the most unkindest cut of all.

Made for knives to be inserted into this and a gif created.

If Humphrey’s started talking it would hurt more than a stab wound…

I think Leader thing is over egged as regards election credentials.

Candidates win seats generally unlike last Election where public swayed to Sf.

Don’t think they’ll be enthused again as majority of those new TD’s haven’t set the world alight.

SF abandoning the woke crowd in favour of the awkward squad. :thinking:


Voted for it after scrtunising it but now seeing there might be a change in public opinion have changed tack


SF will get the biggest kock back from the electorate based on the no no in ref. FfG all have a solid base that will return a lpt of their curremt seats. SF are in trouble based on where they made gains in the last GE

SF have a history of duping morons in fairness