Ireland politics (Part 2)

His ego is obviously massive. He has been planning this by all accounts. He was fucked off last time when he has out maneuvered by leo. His track record is poor in health. Getting a new makey up ministry during this government was obviously strategic. He has never seemed like a man blessed with radical intelligence or ideas. This is about power.
Of course he needs to be seen to present new ideas for his party to the electorate, but he needs to continue to work with the current government parties. He is a young man dealing with 2 other more seasoned men, one of them extremwly well rested. Their priorities are very different from him. I think thereā€™s a big chance heā€™ll end up fighting with them, which wont do him any good.

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I have no doubt he is a decent fella in many* ways. That doesnt matter a fuck for the fella who needs to be taoiseach.

We need an 82 year old Taoiseach.

Can we stop with this nonsense talk about Harris being a ā€˜decentā€™ fella.

Heā€™s a snivelling little rat, a career politician who changes his mind on topics if it benefits him personally and politically. He stands for nothing, just sound bites and whatever his script writers decide. He has zero integrity. Anybody with an ounce of self respect would have fought to the bitter end to change the Dail record when he was accused of leaking details from Cabinet. He did nothing, though, because he stands for nothing.

Heā€™s nothing but a heterosexual Leo, every bit as sneery and contemptible towards ordinary people. Shiting on about farmers - wtf would be know about milk prices and farming land.

Itā€™ll be more of the same as under Varadkar. Guff about equality, inclusion, climate change etc - nothing practical to help out ordinary people.

My prediction is that heā€™ll end up being one of the most hated politicians and Taoisigh of all time.


Nice deconstructions by you lads @Juhniallio & @Cheasty.

It was the dropping the ā€œgā€ in ā€œingā€, saying ā€œaulā€, ā€œyehā€ & doing that US style ā€œequalidyā€ that brought Tubridy to mind. Going for that somewhat informal, folksy, man of the people, meeting them at their level, schtick.

I pictured Tubs with his speeches to the nation in 2020ā€¦

ā€¦Weā€™ve had such a tough aul time & when yeh sit down at night & youā€™re wonderinā€™ & thinkinā€™ what the heckā€™s next? Wellā€¦letā€™s find out from Minister for Health Simon Harris.

The skinny dweeb, the faux sincerity, it was very similar to me.


Somebody contact the authorities thereā€™s been a breakoutā€¦:grin:

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Himself and Tubbs could have been twins separated at birth.Theyre not adopted are they?



I donā€™t think Nina is going to tear up too many scripts by the sound of things.


within in the confines of the PFG, he will be stunted - i would assume a lot of bluster to his base will be spouted

Harris was popular during Covid, like it or not.

I think we forget that the best FG could come up with a lot more TDs back in the day was Enda Kenny.

There isnā€™t a lot of talent out there generally, particularly for a small country with so many political parties.

Labour went for serial loser Ivana ffs, not that @Juhniallio would mention thatā€¦.

I donā€™t think any of the current leaders are particularly impressive. Martin has the most experience but I think he will step away pre election.

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Ok mate. I understand that it hurts and youā€™re lashing out. Letā€™s see how he goes.
We can have an argument about Ivana later if you want.

Hurts what?

Nothing will change in Irish politics until there is a PD 2.0 that is genuinely centre right. Itā€™s rearranging the deck chairs between FG, FF, Labour, the SDs and SF in fiscal terms- a couple of them more dangerous that others in terms of our economic strength.

Iā€™m just stating facts. I think Cairns is likeable with potential but is young and doesnā€™t impress when things go beyond a question on any topic.

Mary Lou is being found out.

Ivana is a poor leader and Labour would have been better off with Aodhan.

Itā€™s a good chance for Martin but as I said I donā€™t think heā€™ll stick it out.

Iā€™ll likely vote Green.

Hurts to see the great ff hope look like heā€™ll be shit before he even starts. Itā€™s like watching utd then seeing antony is about to come on.

In all seriousness, have you had any dealings with him btw? Is he actually a decent fella or have you ever seen him work very well? Genuine question.

Iā€™m not sure he is a great FG hope.

Varadkar certainly was and failed to deliver (electorally at the very least).

Iā€™ve never encountered Harris and wouldnā€™t be impressed by him. My understanding is that Harris became a bit of a Zero Covider behind the scenes which I was not a fan of.

He seemed to have been fairly active in the Higher Education brief which Iā€™d have personally viewed as a junior ministry.

One thing Iā€™ll say is that the expectations arenā€™t actually that high anymore.

We are a long way from a party getting 70+ seats.

Fine Gael potentially could have gotten an overall majority in 2011 but ended up with 70+.

They dropping to 50 and then the 2020 one were shocks. They thought Varadkar could get them back closer to towards 60.

If FF and FG both got back to 40 Iā€™d say both would be very happy. So in that sense there isnā€™t some massive comeback needed.

I mean this in old money DƔil seats btw, I know it is about to expand.


Harris is a disaster of an appointment and FG are going to be fucked in next GE.

The rise of the independents share of vote to 17 per cent in recent is concerning if we want a stable government.

FF with a new dynamic leader (if one exists) could do better than expected in next election but they most likely will leave Martin there and underperform

SF and FF seem only likely government now with a mix of Independents.

theyd be better off making sure the chute doesnt open if thats the case

He wasnā€™t too hot in that portfolio either