Ireland politics (Part 2)

On this, interesting to see the numbers in action

In 2022 the 4 Dublin councils (Dublin, DLR, South Dub and Fingal) raised €204 million in LPT

They had to pay 20% to other counties ie €41 million

Then, they had to pay 43% or €88 million to “replace central funding for roads, housing etc”. The same counties that already are getting the 20% from Dublin do no get hit with this.

After all that only 37% of the LPT collected from Dubliners is available for “own use” ie for projects and services for the betterment of the locality.

37%!!! That’s a sham


‘But but but those lot up in Dublin get everything….’

For context, Mayo LPT payers paid €10.5m and got €19.8m for “own-use”

Dubliners get 37% of their LPT and Mayo payers get 189%


Like, this is just LPT and doesn’t show the flows from income tax, corporation tax, VAT etc

I’m ok with those as it’s central funding (and spending) and clearly Dublin is (and should be) a net provider to other parts of the country.

However, the notion that LOCAL property tax is set up like this is a joke.

Also, as you point out the hypocrisy and pathetic nature of the self-serving whining from a certain country cohort about Dublin the whole time :laughing:

He’ll do well to retain his seat, the useless cunt

How dare you penalise rural Ireland.

“Penalise” is an odd way to describe taking shedloads of cash out of the pockets of hard-pressed Dubs and sending it in wads out to the sticks :laughing:

For reference, kudos to Cork, Galway (city) and Kildare/Meath/Wicklow who have the self-dignity to pay their own way (and also pay a contribution to the freeloaders)

People in rural Ireland have every right to freeload off others and how dare you say otherwise.

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Part of me admires the mix of political hustle paired with righteous self-pity.

These lads have a deeply engrained and sophisticated culture of looking for handouts I suppose.

You didn’t honestly think monies would be properly ring-fenced for local areas, did you? If the redistribution wasn’t done this way, the government would have cut direct grant funding. There’s votes to be had FFS.

The LPT was something the troike pushed for. A balanced system of taxation was required.

how much did limerick get from us in DLR?

It’s a miracle all us Dubs don’t have a hump on our backs from carrying the rest of the country. A bit of gratitude wouldn’t go astray.


Lads - they’re watching us in Gov buildings :eyes:

Literally in the last hour they’ve announced the 2025 figures.

More as we get it ……


Jesus Clare are being ridden. They barely have a hospital and they giving away millions of their property tax to limerick.

Agreed. Or at least we should get a say in how it’s spent. I believe most salt of the earth Dubs would agree with an urgent upgrade of the road from roscommon to Tuam for example…


Pal, are we happy with this pact on LPT that Labour have entered into with the Greens, some independents & FFG?

Like with anything political, there will now be a PR battle where Labour will be accused by SF/IRA & the SocDems of selling out the left & cosying up to FFG.

I too have no problem with LPT increases if, as Labour suggest, funds will be ringfenced to improve Dublin’s parks, playgrounds, pitches & to contribute towards social housing.

But not if it’s being siphoned off to muldoons who are intent on poisoning the countryside.

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a tax on the wealthy to improve Dublin is a good thing mate

Left wing parties against taxing the wealthy so Dublin isnt improved isnt

In the latest 2025 figures it would appear they’ve muddied the waters to make it less clear that some counties are getting subsidised.

Now “surplus” counties like DLR have to subsidise central funding for roads etc. in DLR’s case this is €39m out of the €63m raised.

Then a county like Limerick doesn’t have to subsidise this but gets a transfer from central funding of €3.4m

Cutting through the purposely laid smoke and mirrors, it would seem that DLR pays out about €0.6 m of its LPT (or approx 1%) to Limerick

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