Ireland politics (Part 2)

Myself and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy have been banging this drum for years. Comely maidens dancing at the crossroads politics to save rooral Ireland.

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Iā€™d agree with this. As long as itā€™s fair and all counties are treated the same.

If the ā€œProgressive Allianceā€ had folded because Labour didnā€™t want to increase the LPT then theyā€™d have issues. The fact itā€™s the opposite is hilarious. Labour and the Greens have played a blinder in this negotiation.

The Soc Dems have proven how useless they are. Being led around by SF IRA and their right wing notions.

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Exactly. And every small town should have a Supermacs.
Actually i think we already sorted this.

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The Greens getting it done again

It was a Social Democrat in the last council who voted along with the Independents to try and delay the Dublin City Transport Plan.

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Are we looking at the template for the next Government here?

The Social Democrats are a pretend party for social media types. They are unlikely to want to get their hands dirty and make decisions that require compromise.


Seems like a very sensible list of goals. Fair play to the Greens and Labour for looking to actually get shit done

Any party which had joint leaders for years is not to be trusted


Donā€™t you dare shit on Curtis and Sillett.

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Iā€™m the exact same. Iā€™ve long held the belief that we needed a property tax as it is one of the most fair methods of taxing the wealthy commensurately, unlike some of the prominent spreadsheet socialists or a la carte greens on here. The thought that it could be tinkered with for political purposes never sat right with me. But the revelations that some portly muldoon cunt is spending my hard-earned DubCash on a carvery absolutely cuts me to the quick.
In short, we did the right thing. And you should always do the right thing. But fuck me we need to ringfence it quick.
In shortā€¦ Dub cash for the dubs.*

*not to be confused with Ireland for the Irish


My local SocDem councillor is apoplectic. Sheā€™s absolutely seething.

This is the PR battle I mentioned.

I saw this knocking about. Founder of the NHS Aneurin Bevin referring to Labour Party splitters in the early 1930s because they didnā€™t think the party was socialist enough. Sums up the Social Democrats.

Jeez will we even get ā€œVote Left, Transfer Leftā€ this time around?

Jaysus imagine trying to divide up cabinet jobs between four parties. Pure spitballing here without figures but based on the locals/europeans it would be 6 each for FF and FG, 2 labour and 1 green?

The Inter Party Government managed it with 5 parties and Independents!

When the SDs ran that absolute spoofer Rory Hearne you knew the jig was up

Why is he a spoofer, dare I ask?

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