Ireland politics (Part 2)

@cowpat to a post about shite


Coveney did little except rent control which was poor policy but egged on by the left.

Murphy did a lot and the ramp in supply is reflective of that.

Alan Kelly is actually the one who gets away with criticism. I’m assuming because @glasagusban wants the Progressive Alliance to go ahead.

In saying that, Kelly wanted to bring apartment standards to close to where Scandinavian countries have them and there was outrage.

Dumb rating.

The current crisis could and should have been headed off but successive FG ministers declined to do anything useful.

It’s rare you’d see anything like this actually, a crisis wholly a result of one party’s policy.

The minister who was in for less than 2 years between all those ffg ones is the lad who did the damage? The lad who brought in legislation to make planning faster? Hmmmm serious blue tinted glasses there…


Don’t forget his sleeves were rolled up to show he was getting stuck in

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Lay it on thicker.

My own view is that it was seeded by a CSO report from circa 2011 that there were 330,000 vacant homes in the country. In fairness who would fund building in the midst of such data. The methodology of the report was subsequently found to be dubious.

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The issues were becoming apparent during his tenure. 2014 was the key year when it was clear that the Irish economy was rebounding quickly and the decision (s) to destroy the construction sector from 2009 on were poor ones.

I wouldn’t put all the blame on him, just commenting that he isn’t much talked about. I think it’s fair to say that the FG and Labour government dropped the ball with it (issues also predate their tenure too). The fact that Housing wasn’t on the department brand was a bit telling.

I agree Kelly did quite a bit and he would have done more.

You’d have had the likes of @glasagusban swooning over Scandinavian style living with 18 year olds all moving out on the one hand but then calling it slum regulations when Kelly tried to roll back regulations which made their style of building impossible.

Very few people (if any) were speaking up at that time that the construction sector being destroyed wasn’t the best course of action.

Those days were all about Paul Sommerville & Constantin Gurdgiev on Vincent Browne, NAMAWineLake, the Property Pin and journalists reading Morgan Kelly’s papers on Viking economics.

If you look at the construction output the issue is clear. Construction only bottomed out in 2013 (as there is always the lag) with 4,575.

Perhaps Bertie Ahern is owed a bit of an apology as they were looking at the same demographic data.

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Realise this is a tough one for you to accept but you’re just going to have to take it on the chin.

The current crisis didn’t need to happen, it is wholly a work of FG policy.

Not thick enough

Jack Chambers appointed Finance Minister.

My word

FF Dublin is Chambers now

Have to say, Jim O’Callaghan still being ignored is crazy.

Jack Chambers as Chancellor of the Exchequer. I’ve heard it all now.

Holy fuck. This fella’s rise has been meteoric. He was thick as shit as a Councillor. I really struggle to see how he can have the skills to be a semi competent finance minister.


His CV doesn’t look too bad to be fair to him (although clearly not for finance).

Young and inexperienced at the time?

Murphy was the worst Minister for Housing and caused a lot of the issues.

There are 3 bed semis in a new development in Laois for €299,995 which includes land cost and developers profit.
Take vat off that and its €265k.
Difference in wages between Portlaoise and Dublin circa €75k per unit.
So why couldn’t you have houses in Dublin for €340k and less if you take land cost and developers profit off it.
Who owns chunks of land all over the county - the councils, so there is no land cost. If the council built them there would be no developer profit. So when Mary Lou said houses in Dublin could be €300k she wasnt lying.
Who can deal with vat and tackle land prices and planning if they had balls. The government.

“The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics, whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men who can dream of things that never were, and ask why not”

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It costs DCC €500k to build a 2 bedroom apartment in Dublin on land they own.