Ireland politics (Part 2)


So the SD are against active travel and public transport. Whats the point of them outside of virtue signalling

Blueshirts on Bikes

They’ve done a deal and enacted progressive policies. The so called Progressive Alliance had the Shinners refusing to implement progressive policies.

they want better services, cleaner streets & more playgrounds via a wealth tax mate


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Our old friend again

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The TFK lads have some horn for Elisa.

Now you have it

Who’ll be the new minister for Finance?

Darragh O’ Brien


@ebenezzers bet getring closer every day

Thought Quagmire Chambers was next up?

If ever there was a case of failing upwards then this, if it comes to pass, will be a classic. Moving from a basket case department with massive housing shortages and record homelessness to delivering a give away budget the likes of which haven’t been seen in a decade and a half😬

While I don’t think O’Brien has been good by any means, the major damage was done by Coveney and Murphy. They created the housing crisis and have escaped the flak for it.

You mean that Murphy who has gone from Irish politics?

You really don’t understand the issue if you think it was seeded in 2016.

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Who reacts quicker?

Corkies to the Kalxon
Limericks to the Boss man
@Rocko to an Eamon Ryan post
@Tim_Riggins to an Eoghan Murphy post


It was seeded long before 2016 but could have been arrested before it became as extreme as it is now. Successive FG housing ministers when the crisis was first predicted, during its onset and exacerbation all fiddled. The current housing crisis is wholly a result of FG policy.

Except not really.

Ireland’s new housing supply was back at EU average levels by 2018.

They have been way ahead the last 3-4 years.

The problem is from 2010 to 2018 where there is at least a missing 100,000 as building plunged.

In fairness, Rory Hearne called this in 2015, before it became cool. I’m assuming you were in the “we built too many” camp back in the early 2010s.

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But he wore a hard hat and high viz to show us he was dealing with it.