Ireland politics (Part 2)

Given he uses so many addresses when posting in his planning applications Iā€™m surprised this wasnā€™t higher up on Niall Collins list of prioritiesā€¦


Niall O Connor needs it too

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Michael McDowell: ā€œThings were better in the 1840sā€

They can Fuck Off!

Itā€™s a fair enough article really.


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General election date?

Your cryptic messages before Ryan jacked were on the ball.

I can hear a sports capital vault being opened

End of October / early November Iā€™m told. Budget 1st of October and will need to rush through a finance bill too.

Nov 15th i reckon

Is running it close to the US election a good idea?

Pros and cons to it I suppose

In terms of giving the far right a bloody nose, yes. Shortly afterwards is a good time. November 15th or 16th would be a perfect time in terms of proximity.

If Trump loses, itā€™s bad for the far right in Ireland. They will be demoralised by this and retreat further into batshit conspiracy.

If Trump wins, there will be a reflex reaction in Ireland against the far right. I think thereā€™s going to be a reflex reaction anyway because the behaviour of the far right on the election campaign will be horrific and social media will be filled with horrible videos of intimidation and likely assault.

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A bike shed causing a General Election. By god.

Will the bike shed become taoiseach? Simple simon collapsed the last government

Going by the photos I saw, there is nothing wrong with that price for the work completed.

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Sinn Fein would build a house for that money

Itā€™s crazy money to spend but it does look like a decent job in fairness.

Well they have a QS on board so he obviously did a budget and the budget would have needed to be approved. So was it designed with this spend in mind or has he fucked it or what. Iā€™d imagine the shelter was ā‚¬20-25k. Is there lighting? Itā€™s paved under foot, how much of the area was paved? Either way itā€™s seems absolutely ridiculous.

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Apparently this lad was seen knocking around the south city centre a while backšŸ¤£ā€¦incidentally a client of NK management who we know have previous around invoices and exorbitant claimsšŸ¤£