Ireland politics (Part 2)



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Add the 14 billion to the 8 billion surplus FG have delivered.

The boom is back baby.

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The lads tugging the forelock to their overseas masters, outraged that they pay tax are the ilk who booed the 1916 rebels through the streets of Dublin.


They should do the smart thing and set up a public investment fund like norway or saudi, buy ā‚¬500 million worth of shares in the top 20 multinationals operating in ireland, severely anchor them to ireland with shareholder stake.

Use the other 2 billion for irish start ups and 1 billion for jobs for the boys embezzlement

They are already saying they are precluded from spending on current concerns as itā€™s a windfall !

Iā€™d say a few old stagers will resign before or just after the budget to allow for an election this year, and make it look like Simon wasnā€™t lying. Thereā€™s a few bye elections due as well

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Not a good look for the Blueshirts

Who is it? DoB? Cant see, not on twitter!

Some company whose founder was linked to Pachal Donohoe during that whole election poster scandal

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The company who got the contract, the founder is one of Paschal the rascals bessie mates. The guy that was putting up the posters for him. This must be the pay off for taking the bullet for Paschal during the poster hooha

I wonder how the governments own investigation is going? Itā€™s taking a while for what can, at most, be the making of about 3 phone calls


Full thread here

Isnā€™t that the simpleton that said ā€œmake crime illegalā€?

Maybe he did; first I heard of him was that Tweet. But he does seem to be a bit soft soap on far right headbangers.

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This looks like a non-story to me.

Those far right lunatics donā€™t understand business.

No Simon Harris, the Taoiseach, said it was ā€œinexcusableā€ so I think we are safe enough to assume itā€™s big deal

The suggested donation amount at the end :laughing:

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The type of folk that donā€™t get that without Lowry youā€™d still be waiting 6 months for Telecom Eireann to install your phone line.

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