Ireland politics (Part 2)


As @BruidheanChaorthainn has said in the past, there was never a housing crisis when the developers could bribe the politicians.

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What good has red tape and bureaucracy ever done anybody


Soundbite Simon also said that any investigation into the Bike shed shouldn’t focus on any individual. In others words “fuck off”.

Roisin Shorthall and some other politician were on Newstalk last week and they were saying the same thing, that ultimately the minister should be held responsible rather than the people who signed off on it. It’s just the civil service mindset - no responsibility and no accountability. Bunch of fucking wasters.


I think the issue is not so much who signed off on it, individually, but rather how a little bike could cost so much? Like there must be cost controls somewhere (otherwise they could make it out of diamonds and platinum) but what are they and are they suitable.

Yep sure when you see Harris become Taoiseach after the mess he made in Health, signing off on a children’s hospital which is now costing over 2billion sure the folks below in the civil service must piss themselves laughing at those gobshites and run rings around them knowing that the politicians don’t have the guts to take them on.


Michael Martin said it wasn’t as simple as just picking up the phone, which is absolute bollox. If he picked up the phone to Sec Gen* in the department he’d have an answer within hours.

*- I hope I don’t trigger an Art / Glas civil service borefest


I really think this could give them all sorts of bother. The amount, 330,000, is in the ballpark of what a lot of people are paying for houses. They have a very real grasp of how much that is and how hard it is to earn it.


It’s an insane amount of money for a shed and is symptomatic of the complete disregard in civil service for taxpayer money and value for money for the taxpayer.


It’s a disgrace and nothing will ever change. Best we can hope is to some day be the right side of it and be given six figures for absolutely fuck all.

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Id say it depends who you are. If youre a civil servant looking for cash for something you’ll be put through the wringer. If you’re the politician telling the civil servant to do something…they kind of have to do it.

I wonder which politician had such ardent feelings about a bike-shed? :thinking:

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I believe Ivanna Batshit was complaining about the placement of another bike shed.

I’ll do anything a politician or their advisor tells me

As long as it’s in writing


An FG minister who hates bikes

I’d say Charlie was the last politician that the permanent government genuinely feared.

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A huge honour for Ireland to be entrusted with such a prestigious Commissionership

Not exactly his forté, I’d say he was hoping for innovation or a finance one.

an FFer in charge of rule of law & anti corruption

jaysus, itd be funny if it wasnt so serious

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Thats a massive brief surely. He must be a lot smarter than he looks.
Was listening to analysis a while back and they reckoned hed be shafted cos the ff meps voted against Ursula’s second term.