Ireland politics (Part 2)

And still not fixed on either tanagain or mcabsentees respective watches

You hardly expect DoJ to help poor people or care for immigrants? It’s only concerned with keeping them out.

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And why has nothing been done about it ?

Why do we have MHQ? Because the Irish government doesn’t give a fuck about foreigners.

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It’s actually because of people shrieking about it daily for ages in fairness

Wicklow, don’t you mean?

And it’s because it only affects foreigners. Look at the list. They’re adding places like Mongolia to it. It’s supposed to be to keep out VARIANTS. We’re riddled with the variant. But fuck people from far away and poor immigrants that live here, no one cares about them. Zero tolerance.

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Immigration is a cash cow. Savage money to be made from poor people landing here and claiming asylum.

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She seems to be a kind of Witchfinder General imposed by Globalist/Soros Agencies, a spy in the cabinet if you like, to ensure meathead bogger politicians in Ireland follow the woke/lgbt/climate change/Covid agenda. Even if you look at her transfers in the working class constituency of tallaght, you can see her “election” was a fiction

This summer’s golfgate. Varadkar will have to fall on his sword, just like Big Phil. This should be subject to criminal investigation too and “we were assured by organisers that all regulations were being followed” won’t cut it, I’m afraid.


“Do as I say not as I do” as usual from the COVID rule makers

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Good luck with that

They all know it’s a cod.

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Si deflecting from being the alleged leaker by announcing on Instagram he has a second sprog on the way.

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Life finds a way.

“Mr Varadkar asked Ms Zappone prior to the event if her party was in line with the Government’s guidelines for the hospitality sector. She assured him it was. He also checked with a member of the hotel’s staff prior to attending the event.”

if only there was some way that the tanaiste would have known what the health regulations were


We all know you don’t have to follow restrictions but just need to claim you are following them.

“All within the guidelines yano” is the same as Stan marshes redneck uncle saying “it’s coming right for us” before shooting an animal on South Park.


Has Zapper gone rogue and is trying to take down the govt from within (kind of within)