Ireland politics (Part 2)

She has to go.

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Commentators eye.

A pal was in the hotel the same day her gig was on. It was outside and very tame - wrapped up about 7pm - maybe 20-30 people across multiple tables. Seemed to be a goodbye lunch for Zap leaving her department


She has very close ties to FG.

special envoy for freedom of expression, freely expressing disdain for the irish people


Did she not leave her department over a year ago at this stage though?

Yep but apparently she is now leaving the country so had to have another leaving do. I wonder did Leo or the Simonā€™s get up and play Wonderwall on the guitar? :slight_smile:

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If they stopped all these ridiculous Lockdown rules then none of them would ever get caught.

Iā€™m sure all TDs have broken them in one form or another this summer once again but the thickos in government are too busy trying to keep Bridie and left wing lockdown mentallers happy.


Is he one o dem Burkes?

I donā€™t know.

I bet he is. Even if he isnt.

wouldnt be surprised if leo asks the merrion hotel to resign

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Stephen Donnelly said YESTERDAY that not following the guidelines ā€œrisked lives.ā€

Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be consistent on that today

What did Zappone have to say about Phil Hogan and golfgate?

She was impressed by Philā€™s short game

Why do the people who make the rules need to be assured by random hotel receptionists that events are in compliance with the rules?


Covering their arse so that if the event is not within the guidelines they can throw the hotel under the bus with the aul ā€œSure I checked with the hotel and they said that the event was within the guidelinesā€ shite.

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youd imagine that a competent media would have that as the first question. ah well