Ireland politics (Part 2)

Why is the concept not what it once was? The vast majority are still working class people id imagine. There were always those who didn’t want to work or were involved in crime etc.

Most areas are more mixed now. Part V housing changes the dynamic and so too does tenant purchases of social houses. Clearly there are areas with more of a dominance of one over the other but not what it once was.

It also depends on who goes out to vote. So in somewhere like the Pembroke Ward you would have Chris Andrews doing very well in old flat complexes etc, but somewhere like Ringsend is actually far more mixed than what it was. Lots of tech workers both renting and who have bought- although they may not necessarily vote. Someone showed a stat on Dublin Central where a lot of the residents simply don’t vote, as they are often foreign.

So that’s why I don’t speak in absolutes about an area.

That’s probably true to an extent but doesn’t really fit in with the context of where you originally used the phrase and the inverted commas.

Of course it does, I’ve just explained it. What are you trying to say here?

I thought you were looking down your nose on working class areas and referring to that group of people in a sarcastic manner.

Nope. And I literally just explained it. Try again.

Why have they had their lunch eaten among middle class professionals living in former working class areas. I presume you meant among working class people so their was no need for the inverted commas in the context you used it.

Eh? I didn’t say their voters didn’t come from that demographic in those areas - that is obvious.

I explained it but here you are still grasping.

Let’s be honest, you were looking for something.

Anything of note to add here or are you in “just asking questions” mode of tedium?


We’ve made it to a channel called “mega-projects”


That guy has a few YouTube channels. By and large, he is excellent


Yeah I think he’s excellent

At least the hospital is being built by the best in the business so we can have peace of mind as to its structural integrity.

Have we given up on the stupid idea to call it the Phoenix Children’s Hospital?

Simon Whistler is a great bit of stuff, watch a few of his videos a night before allimg to sleep

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Si Harris has turned FG from inevitability hitting the iceberg to being the permanent party of government in 6 months, some achievement.