Ireland politics (Part 2)

May as well just lift all the restrictions now.

As long as they are not wedding reception, sporting or training events?


What’s the fupping difference?


weve gone so far beyond GUBU that its now a speck in rear view mirror. were now offically at omnishambles

Great news for League of Ireland - they can have games now in front of as many fans as want to attend


Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

He’ll be seething when he logs on here during his tea break at the yacht club.

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Ah that’s quality. A mere coincidence I’m sure that the attorney general was drafted in today to confirm that outdoor parties of up to 200 people are allowed.

When does Michael Martin begin his stint as the rotating Taoiseach ? :grinning:


Ah for jaysus sake. They are making a pure cod of us.


I guess COVID is only a deadly disease for the common man and woman :open_mouth:

Politicians are obviously immune to the disease and the guidelines

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Until they bring in the COVID pension

As I said before, rules are only for the little people.


Are lads really observing these restrictions?

Hotels, pubs, restaurants are

Poor auld Damien English or someone similar will be wheeled out tomorrow to take the flak for Leo and Zapper

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Rare video of Micheal Martin making a decision:


FG media candidates will be the usual cabal of backbench TDs and junior ministers. Any one from:

Damien English
Emer Higgins
Colm Brophy
Regina Doherty*
Neale Richmond
Peter Burke
Jennifer Carroll MacNeill

They will be required to talk quickly, be comfortable spouting total bullshit and be capable of drowning out attempted interruptions.


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Colm is perfect for this gig.

The Green Party and Ivana Bacik have done a great job of exposing the hypocrisy of the OIUTF cultists here.

You can’t simultaneously be OIUTF and be against a wee bit of socialising. That’s complete double standards.

The OIUTFers will have no choice now but to vote Green or Labour at the next election. Superb rope a dope tactics.