Ireland politics (Part 2)

They have ties themselves up in knots with this. I don’t which is worse the Zappone crony appointment or using the AG to come out and “clarify” guidelines to save a politicians arse.

Demeaning a Constitutional office in this fashion is definitely worse in my view.


Our ministers abdicating responsibility to technocrats and middle management.

They genuinely don’t know what they are doing and just react based on Twitter and focus groups.


the sunday papers will be the making or breaking of this omnishambles: if the papers continue to go after leo, then hes toast

Leo on rte1 now
Got a dig in at the Shinners already

He’s getting a hiding here

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So he “probably” didn’t breach the guidelines. :roll_eyes:

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Leo needs to start digging up here

Leo is confused

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Sharon is doing well. He’s some spoofer.

Leo’s extensive experience of apologising for being an absolute cunt stood to him there. He has it down to a fine art.


Still came across as a bumbling idiot though.


Not easy pull out a display like that on a Friday evening when you are on meant to be on hols. He was a bumbling idiot but a fairly teflon display all the same.

Either he reimburses the sector for loss of earnings or he has to go


Two things really here

Why were FG willing to jump through the hoops for CZ. ??

What the fuck is the Champ at ??


The lad below in Cork is coining it he said.

Corkman in prone to exaggeration shocker

Publicans are like farmers for playing the pour mouth while they clean up :grinning:

He’s already ordering ketchup and noodles.

Zapponing. Doing something breaking a rule you yourself made up.
The Double Irish Zappone. Doing something breaking a rule you yourself made up and then trying to retrospectively change said rule