Ireland politics (Part 2)

Basic common sense, and an ability to listen to and heed good advice from civil servants.

absolutely essential to listen to the permanent govt

CC @glasagusban


Well you need to filter the good from the bad, but by and large itā€™s glaringly obvious.

You wouldnā€™t free up too much storage on a phone by deleting a few textsā€¦

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Varadkar and Coveney like to delete audit trails while protesting their Innocence.

Straight out of the Tory playbook.

Worried about getting hacked so routinely deletes messages, a likely story.

Coveney very evasive with his language.

He didnā€™t receive an invite to the party in The Merrion. But he did receive a text (since deleted) letting him know it was taking place.

Zappone didnā€™t lobby for the makey uppy UN special envoy role. But she did contact him via texts (all since deleted) to let him know she would be more than happy to assist Irelandā€™s efforts at the UN in any way possible.

Get this blabbering, baldy cunt to absolute fuck.


Never minded Coveney but he has made an almighty cock up of this whole situation.

Coming across as very shifty. Giving the job to his buddy after she lobbied him, no criteria for the gig, no shortlist drawn up, claims he wasnā€™t invited to the Merrion but received a text about it, other texts which would no doubt throw up further questions being deleted, very conveniently.

Real shady carry on. Heā€™s not much better than Varadkar.

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Angry Season 3 GIF by The Simpsons

Coveney is thick as shit, God bless him.

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Is deleting messages on your state phone not in breach of some regulations for a gov minister? Was this not the assertion put to Varadkar with he deleted correspondence with Oā€™Tuathaill?

It seems FG are above the law.

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He has to go

its illegal to dfelete a record thats subject to an FOI. all hangs on when he deleted. im sure simon will hand his phone over to AGS for them to ascertain

The gardai can put that phone beside Leoā€™s. :slight_smile:

And Norin o Sullivan

Noirin couldnā€™t be arsed with the deleting of messages, she just ā€œLostā€ the phone