Ireland politics (Part 2)



Barry Cowen will make a great Taoiseach some day.


the maount of political capital that FF have burned through saving respective blueshirt ministers is bewildering


Itā€™s gas really. The last year has shown how much political strength outweighs notions of standards. FF no marks are expendable and Martin is politically weak in his own party and electorally, so they get turfed out. Tackling Varadkar would bring down the government and no one wants an election, so heā€™s safe.

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You can just see Varadkar rubbing his hands after the last election when Martin came to him to beg to him to go into government with FF. Every chance that Varadkar has got his a looked to make Martin look like the chump that he is.


Paradoxically MM is strong in his position as nearly all FF TDs are utterly shit scared of an election

We need a Biffo. We should never allow another carkie take the big seat

well you can be sure that coveney wont be getting the big gig now

Nope. Between Lynch and Chump I think cark shouldnā€™t gmever be giving the big job.

The men with the knives waiting for chump are biffo, callahley, o cuiv, willie and big Jim. Macsharry might move too. There is a majority of 6 so 7 tds to vote against him in a no confidence ballot brings it down.

As mentioned above the spineless taoiseach we have has thrown a few of his own under the bus yet stood by Leo and Coveney for sackable offences

3Āŗ The confidentiality of discussions at meetings of the Government shall be respected in all circumstances save only where the High Court determines that disclosure should be made in respect of a particular matter-

i. in the interests of the administration of justice by a Court, or

ii. by virtue of an overriding public interest, pursuant to an application in that behalf by a tribunal appointed by the Government or a Minister of the Government on the authority of the Houses of the Oireachtas to inquire into a matter stated by them to be of public importance.



the neck on the snivelling harris

**[quote=ā€œHeyyoubehindthebushes, post:1054, topic:33686, full:trueā€]
Nope. Between Lynch and Chump I think cark shouldnā€™t gmever be giving the big job.

The men with the knives waiting for chump are biffo, callahley, o cuiv, willie and big Jim. Macsharry might move too. There is a majority of 6 so 7 tds to vote against him in a no confidence ballot brings it down.

As mentioned above the spineless taoiseach we have has thrown a few of his own under the bus yet stood by Leo and Coveney for sackable offences

Dont forget McGuinness. McGuinness would stab chump in the back in a church and ask him if hes ok before stabbing him in the belly


Good shout. Hopefully the backbenchers arenā€™t as spineless as the cunt they are up holding

We need an election to lift the mood of the country
Everyone loves an election


Hear me out on this. FF cut and run now and run an election campaign as not taking any more from FG, all the controversies distracting from the work of government so for the good of the country we pulled the plug. They will not have a good election but will get their core vote, perhaps enough to for a coalition with SF. If they stay with FG you can be sure the first thing SF will do when they are back is call for a no confidence vote in Coveney. They will do this each time a minister messes up and each time FF will keep them in government. End result is that by the time the next GE comes around FF will be destroyed as they will be seen as having facilitated FG, with even their core vote leaving them. If I was a FF member Iā€™d say see out their man as Taoiseach and in Dec 22 say we,re out of here and collapse the govt before Leo gets his turn as Taoiseach.


FF will be demolished regardless. Calling an election is damage limitations. By ending it now they may get 10 seats and a leader who wonā€™t sell out the party for personal gain

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Those 10 seats might be enough for a coalition with SF? Jim OC tempted by Minister for Justice, BCowen for agriculture. Safe seats and self preservation might prompt a heave?

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If Jim Oā€™Callaghan becomes leader of FF he will fail badly
FF heads that see JOā€™C as their Moses will ultimately be disappointed, regardless RTE and the Media will red carpet and bow to JOā€™C