Ireland politics (Part 2)

It would be a great way to fill the gap into the Christmas party season

He wonā€™t part the red C polls


Since when? Politicians love to tell us how we donā€™t want an election? Now they are usually FF and FG politicians. :slight_smile:

With no sport on itā€™ll give us all something to talk about when we are in lockdown again.


Jā€™OC would be PB Ahern V2.0
a waffler (more polished, but still a waffler)
not sure he has the reflexes required for the real world shenanigans
the media will love him, especially that toxic RTE & Sunday Independent strain

Jā€™OC is a male version of ā€˜Blondeā€™


Hildaaa using the Linoel Hutz method of defense for her pal here I see

Hilda oblivious to her own obviousness - well drilled but atrocious delivery

Thatā€™s not a hack. More of a phishing attempt.

Thatā€™s what the hackers want you to think
Simon was all over it

I reckon itā€™s all Coveneys fault. He clicked the link that took down the HSE

Iā€™m disappointed with Coveney. I genuinely thought he was one of the few in Leinster house that was performing. Also saw him as a future Taoiseach. Ff will look for blood and theyā€™ll get it eventually.


I think a lot of people thought the same about Coveney. He seemed to be above the crap that the likes of Varadkar and Harris were pulling.


Same thing.

The bauld Philip Ryan getting tore into Micky Martin here. :anguished:


Ah itā€™s not.

This was the ā€œhackā€ that Coveney is referring to.

His phone was never compromised.

Matt Carthy tying poor aul Carroll McBotox up in knots here on Scare Byrne.

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Surely the biggest thing here is Pencil Neck Harris leaking the information.

Why is there no appetite to find out who the leak was?

Probably more that FG and Martin donā€™t want to create more trouble for themselves. What is shocking is how quiet FF are on this and why are they not out screaming for a heads on plates when they lost 2 of their own at the drop of a hat? I know there have been mutterings from Cowen but there are 36 others in FF TDā€™s that surely the majority of them must be pissed off at what is going on and what FG are getting away with.


He was cosy with Peter Sutherland. Not to be trusted.

The three govt parties know this is the end of the road so will bite down on anything that may collapse the govt.