Ireland politics (Part 2)

id love to be a fly on the wall n the slieve russell on thursday and friday when barry cowen et al let loose at chump

Richmond flapping about like a fat rubby lad in muck

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McInerney tearing Redmond apart. Calling out his bullshit answers.


Heā€™s having meltdown.

You can hear him snorting like a bull


Example of lobbying.

Burgerface: ā€œI donā€™t think it isā€

Iā€™d say Richmond is like a dog now, he was defending the indefensible there and he knew well that was the case.

Sarah didnā€™t have to pry too deep to make a mug of him. Matt Carthy probably couldnā€™t believe his luck.

So now we know this cushy gig was given to one of their establishment, insider buddies 4 months before it was made public. This story will run and run.

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ā€œserve Irelandā€ :roll_eyes::rofl::rofl::face_vomiting:

Redmond on the radio. I hope they changed that microphone after he left.


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Sounds like itā€™s worth a listen back to
I find Neale very annoying very very annoying.

Richmond laughed off the stage, forever undermined after that performance, Neale will have to go back shilling for the EU if the Government can find him an outpost while it still has time and nobody to notice!


Neale is an arch EU brown noser beloved of FBPE types on the UK mainland .

If poor old Neale read this forum he wouldnā€™t know if he was a pro-EU brown noser or a unionist West Brit. :smiley:

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Theyā€™re not mutually exclusive.

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It shows how narcissistic some on these guys are . Any FG TD going out to bat for Coveney today needs examination


Does have the most West Brit head youā€™ll ever see.

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Just all about being a good party man or woman. And hope to get rewarded with a plum cabinet position down the line.

No self respecting person would defend what Coveney oversaw. They hand picked their pal, another insider, for a cushy tax payer funded gig. The very definition of cronyism, she was told four months previous the job was hers.

Honestly thought Coveney was above this sort of carry on. FG, FF, Lab, SF (when they eventually get in). Theyā€™re all the same.

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foreign affairs committee should be great craic tomorrow morning

I wonder if they can refuse to go on, or is there a decree from the leadership or some senior party handler types that X is doing Drivetime, Y is doing Six One, Z is doing The Tonight Show and so on? Weā€™ve taken the piss out of all these usual backbench and junior ministers being rolled out before - Richmond, Brophy, English, Carroll MacNeill, Burke etc. Iā€™d say they dread the call, if thatā€™s how it works. They must surely get a text/email with bullet points to focus on along with suggested rebuttals to sample questions? Sometimes they sound completely unprepared and make a show of themselves. Itā€™s gas.