Ireland politics (Part 2)

There’s little or nobody in the Dàil. Sure they had their fun last night. Cant expect them to attend twice in a row.

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Holly cairns is severely lacking in charisma and not a great speaker.

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I doubt Harris will actually complain as doing so will likely drag this out for another few weeks.

Has @artfoley tagged you in an as his sub while he’s on holidays?

The phrase “sting operation” is being thrown about too liberally here

Ah sure they media love a phrase like that or the other favorite one is ‘Chilling’ usually when referring to SF

It was the SF lad that introduced the phrase sting operation and kept using it repeatedly in recent days.

Did ye see Harris denying being the leaker yesterday while being at some event? He sounded utterly unconvincing. Wouldn’t make much of a poker player.


Here’s an article from a week ago

What also continues to annoy members of the party and no doubt will feature in conversations in Trim was the “mini-sting” operation by a junior minister to try and figure out who was leaking from Cabinet.

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Patrick O’Donovan needs to urgently contact the Gardai if he has information that a senior government minister is leaking information from cabinet meetings before decisions are taken. I urge everyone to make contact with Mr O’Donovan to plead with him to take this very important step.


Is that you Simon Harris? :slight_smile:


Whoever the SF lad was that came out with it in the dáil used sting operation repeatedly, to the point of hilarity, in his interview on rte 1 yesterday lunch time.

Tremendous wummery

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Very good :grinning:

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I see the President has headed off to see the Pope today, is he winding Donaldson up? :slight_smile:


He’ll be dining well in Rome the fat little fucker.


No idea what you’re talking about mate.

Can someone with an sub post up the article about SF in power.