Ireland politics (Part 2)

Fuck her and crony Coveney

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One shot.

Bang bang.


I hit him back with 1-4

One Four!!!


You’re the Dan
You’re the Dan
You’re the Dan!

Cute Kerry hoor 1 - Horrible Tippo 0

MDH is the most intelligent man in Ireland

And possibly the most rotund as well. How do we hope to defeat obesity when our President looks more and more like a plum pudding. He needs to sit well back from the table and sharpish…

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Too late, he’s got decades at the trough, to pull him away now would finish him

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Ireland needs to hold firm on its Corporate Tax Rate. Its the glue that holds the nation together. No surrender

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We should launch a nuke at the next country that mentions it

We need to stand tall with our Hungarian allies here

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Thought a lifelong socialist like yourself would want to tax the Man to the hilt?

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You sound like a lad from the stone age sometimes. The world is always in flux

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

was this any good?


Savage. Won’t tell you the ending inn case it spoils it but definitely worth a watch on the player.

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