Ireland politics (Part 2)

Leo is putting a strong case in for COTY

Heā€™s the strong leader we could have done with during last year while Champ floated like a butterfly on the wind and stung like a butterfly.

Even the blueshirts on here @tallback @iron_mike must be sick of this absolute wanker.


I wonder whoā€™ll cover the cabinet meeting leaks while heā€™s off?


Congrats Simon and Mrs Simon.

His wife must have no respect for herself letting that drip climb over her.

Youā€™d hope it was an IVF job.

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Thereā€™s an Adam for every Eve.

And even Steve.

Every part of this article makes my head hurt.

Keanes comments about postmen comes to mind

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a part time one ended his career?


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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You know full well what her answer would be if she was asked to attend. Couldnā€™t wait to start feeding from the trough.

Batshit is all thatā€™s wrong with Irish politics.

Lads who were able to keep working and got paid during the lockdown now want a bonus for the privilege. You couldnā€™t make it up.

He said the emphasis had been placed on healthcare workers which was justifiable but ā€œthere are many others across the public service who did great work over this time - the prison service, members of the gardaĆ­, the Defence Forces, the Department of Social Protection, the Revenue Commissioners all of whom continued to work along with many other in the public sector.ā€

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Iā€™m worth ten days extra leave for keeping essential workers coming through the airport. Iā€™ll also graciously accept a pay rise for putting myself into SERIOUS DANGER for helping implement the MHQ process and dealing with unvaccinated (yock) people

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Mehole in his element addressing the UN today.

no charisma, no authority, a laughing stock, a wet blanket of a man


He read that off the page very well in fairness.


The cunts in the passport office should have all their holidays taken off them to balance it out


Did I hear on the news that Miggledy addressed he United Nations remotely today ?

The subject of the speech was ā€¦ā€¦ Food. Fortunately for the good folk of Honduras and Haiti they only got a glimpse of MDH from behind a desk in the Ɓras. Imagine listening to 20 minutes of pompous guff from the best fed President in the world while you waited for him to combust. A bad topic Iā€™m afraid.