Ireland politics (Part 2)

Pure Cark like

His party are blocking cycling lanes everywhere

He turned against taisce over glanbia

The neck of him

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They all flew some distance to lecture the world on climate change


In the middle of a global pandemic with variants of concern.

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It’s your government, you piece of green shit.


There are plans to increase the cost of buying a new petrol car by about €1,500 and a new electric car by about €4,500.

How can the Greens possibly stand by this?

Those batteries won’t decay by themselves

Removing the lower road tax incentive for buying an electric car.

Complete idiocy

Electric cars over a certain value, not all electric cars.

So if you have 50000 to buy a car, your grant to buy an EV will be gone but if you wanted to buy a high polluting car you will be hammered with tax and that tax will go towards retrofitting homes for the socially excluded.

Now, can I ask you to read more than the headline in the future before going into outrage mode


Ok, mate, no need to get outraged on behalf of people buying cars for 50k


I don’t believe @Tank is featuring headlines on his posts, such as thr one I was replying to, but you can ask anyhow.

It’s ok to backtrack mate, snapping is unbecoming

Thanks hon.

The Greens aren’t half militant enough. They should stand over their beliefs.

Their new policy document should be entitled “Fuck off and walk”

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every council in Oireland is riddled with Councilors that wont give an inch to walking or cycling

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What’s the latest on Sandymount? Has Mannix scuppered it for good?

Nope, a new law is being introduced so all councils can trial active travel routes for up to 18 months

It was a pyrrhic victory for the nimbys


1 in 14 on the mainland wow! Boris Johnson proving his credentials as one of the worlds leading climate change advocates

Wholesale Gas and electricity prices are up 560 per cent on the mainland.

It’ll be a lovely Victorian Christmas this year.