Ireland politics (Part 2)

jesus thats pathetic


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Aye I wouldnt have much time for Caul either. Seems like a right dweeb.

We are blessed to have impressive orators like Champ and Kenny in our hour of need.

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80% of the country want it locked down and you think SF should go after the 20%?

Looks like Egghead had a tough day at the office.

Heā€™s as brazen as they come.

He doesnā€™t give a shite, he has made it to minister and therefore gets a gold plated pension that was all he cared about from day 1. I thought Harris was bad but Donnelly is taking it to a whole new level.

Heā€™ll have to go.

What do you think of this outrage @Thomas_Brady
If you read the article he actually gave himself permission to attend.

Leave it off Leo is literally getting away with leaking state secrets. As much as I hate chump it would be a pathetic way to go

Article is live now

Restrictions for the poor vaccinations for the wealthy.

Fianna Fail forever

Iā€™d say RTE will avoid reporting on this like The Plague.


Popcorn time

Listening to the sanctimonious Cark cunt trying to worm his way out of this will be entertaining.


You can forget about RTƉ reporting this.

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The arrogance of Martin knows no bounds. Check out his response to Toibin question on cancer services this week.

An utter, utter cunt.


These were the guidelines for level 3. Dont see any way out of it. Unless, unless he tries to claim some kind of sporting event

The indo are more interested in some Irish emigrant living in Serbia moderating a sf FB page than real news like this.


Jesus donā€™t suggest thereā€™s a plague to RTƉ or weā€™ll never see the end of then fucking shit