Ireland politics (Part 2)

Why should a minimum wage worker renting a bedsit in tallaght pay for your rebuild?
You speak of it like itā€™s some kind of basic human right.

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Itā€™s a cod.

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Iā€™d loan them but take a charge over the house

The fact that itā€™s being reported about the size of the houses tells us the narrative being spun on thus whole thing. Did we ever get any report on how big the houses on the pyrite redress were? Why does it need to be reported at all how big any of the houses are?

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Of course itā€™s an issue. The money will have to be paid by people who canā€™t afford a house of their own, not even a 500 square foot semi west of the ring road.

The Pyrite thing isnā€™t comparable. Itā€™s a couple of hundred million at most vs. over 3 billion

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That would be an option, but it would end an epic clusterfcuk.

If it was houses in Dalkey would they get redress or be laughed at ?

The house needs to be registered for it and also has a limit of 200k

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Itā€™s the cost rather than size.

Iā€™d not give 100 per cent uncapped without a claw back

They should get redress yes. The value of a house in Dalkey might be more, but construction of it is a different cost issue. If its wrong, its wrong, location or size shouldnā€™t be an issue

Again, the first issue here is it should be covered through cassidys, whether directly or insurance.


Maybe so but there is no one but the State to be held accountable, from a legal point of view.

Iā€™d be happy to have Cassidyā€™s pay all of the rebuild coat but that will never happen.

The State will have to bail out the homeowners, like they did the banks but at fraction of the cost. If theyā€™ve any sense, and they likely havenā€™t, they negotiating with the EU for humanitarian aid for this as its the same as an earthquake hitting Donegal.

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It could be done.

Iā€™m back to a child being born with catastrophic birth defects being more deserving of a redress scheme where no legal liability exists

We value property more than people.

Theyā€™d be told to fuck off.

The Cassidy Should lose everything though

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Two things, itā€™s a couple of hundred at least, not most. Minimum of 2,000 homes done, and they are basing it on a cost estimate from 2011. Its underestimated by a huge margin.

I also havenā€™t seen the breakdown of the 3.2bn. Its headline news, but whereā€™s the estimate from? With the pyrite, they lowballed it from the start, but this is being made really high from the start.

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They will bail them out. They wonā€™t have to though. A few thousand houses in Donegal arenā€™t integral to the running of the state. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s right or wrong, but itā€™s true.

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We donā€™t even know how many houses are affected. The figure is impossible to estimate without that. Rebuilds surely in the region of 400-500 thousand average.

Buddy, thereā€™s already been one suicide linked to a crumbling house up here.

Providing a home for your family is both a property and people issue, donā€™t separate the two.


New build would be that. Rebuild should be able to utilise some portion of the existing house, whether fittings or finishes etc. It shouldnā€™t be a free for all where they can build a new design for a bigger or better house. Rebuild should be the same design and plan, any deviation is cost on the homeowner

Again true, but thatā€™s a strawman and unfair.