Ireland politics (Part 2)

Suicide is linked to lots of financial problems - it’s not an argument

If they need to knock the building blocks, it’s hard to see fixtures and fittings being reusable reliably. I’d imagine the extra time and care required would make most of it less cost effective than a new build.

I don’t think anyone would disagree that children born with birth defects are deserving of redress. It’s also a real whataboutery that isn’t really relevant to this case. It shouldn’t be seen as one or the other

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It could depend. And the foundations, depending on their source of materials, should also be fine. Things like that which could help keep costs down.

Not by much I reckon. It’d be a wrecking ball demolition most likely if they’re that bad.

Sounds like a feather would knock these piles of shite down

The minimum wage worker from Tallaght has his tax used on much worse things than this in the grand scheme.


The whole taxpayer’s money argument doesn’t really mean anything unless it actually causes a change to tax rates/thresholds

There is that :slightly_smiling_face:

They must be building some houses in Donegal for the rebuild cost to be that high, I thought it was the price of land which had prices so high but these are still estimating between 300k & 500k in rebuild costs?

And the lads who supplied the defective blocks continue to trade? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This is true, but when did anything to do with construction, a tribunal, or both, ever come in under time or under budget?
This may run to 5 billion, depending upon the number of houses involved, or more.

I’d say any standard new build house costs 300k now with building costs and regulations.

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It’s not a zero sum game. With 3bn you could fund it

There is far worse wastes of money than this. The onus is on the state here, they failed to regulate and this is the consequence.

If I was a tradesman I’d be making my way up to Donegal in the next few years. Could be some money to be made.

It’s 3bn for what is private property.

If your home was flooded it’d be tough luck.

It’s an interesting precedent

3 bn builds a lot of houses

How much of the 3BN+ would make its way back to the exchequer in VAT and other taxes?

It’s Donegal

Little to none.

Yep, hard to see them justifying this when so many other housing related issues require massive investment and have done for decades.

Plus, not sure the angry guy in the Donegal jersey with the hammer smashing up Weetabix and defective blocks outside Leinster House is the guy you want fronting the campaign.

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Defective private property due to poor regulation from the state.

This thread is unreal.A load of I’m alright Jack’s.
Its Donegal fuck them.
Why are the houses so big.
Get it off Cassidys.
Why are the houses so big.
If my house flooded the state wouldn’t pay me.
Why are the houses so big
People are committing suicide,so what.
Why are the houses so big.