Ireland politics (Part 1)

You serious? Europe has been a reward for service for years. Or a convenient bolthole for people you wanted gone.
Bertie gave David Byrne the job as a thank you for his help in shafting Albert.

The power has gone to their heads, dumpster diving now and retail regulations that will only affect the poor

The proof will be in what portfolio the successful candidate lands. What are they linked to? Any chance of holding onto Trade?


Wasn’t it said that he told Kenny what to say? He’s be muttering in the back of phone interviews Kenny was on.

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have a listen to this & dont have your head turned by the IT

I’m afraid youl have to bullet point it

Bullet points please

sorry guys, you need to think for yourself

FG’s magic money tree…The fiscally irresponsible party.


The emperor wearing no clothes. The last FG government’s record on management of spending must be one of the worst in Ireland ever.

‘Never has so much been spent to feed the monstrous egos of so few’. All crooked cunts don’t wear capes but a lot of them were fashion shoes and novelty socks.

Coveney more or less confirmed in indo he pulled his name because Trade role is gone.

The Concannon Bots are quiet.

Someone is making a lot of money of the tax payer for this money pit. Everything about it stinks from the location to the planning and expenditure.

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Right thing to do really.

It’s good for her that she’s so well got in Brussels. She doesn’t appear too popular in her own Fine Gael parliamentary party. It must have been mortifying for her to lose out to Gay Mitchell for the Presidential nomination. Imagine losing a popularity contest to Gay Mitchell.


No one in Brussels has heard of Gay Mitchell. feckall in Ireland either actually. What is it exactly that scares you so much about a powerful woman @Juno?

I have no issue with her. She’s a very good candidate. She’s done very well since she was elected to the European Parliament and should be a shoo in.

It’s no great secret that she’s not popular within her own political party and there’s an element of Leo choosing her through gritted teeth after Coveney turned it down.

Any “powerful” person should scare most regardless of gender .

Any “powerful “ person in the EU should really scare people due to the degree of democratic deficit there .