Ireland should join the common wealth

Would we be better off

Have you the old Stockholm syndrome Joe? You’ve surprised me in recent days with your right wing rant at Muslims and now this old rubbish.
What will the Commonwealth do for us?

Promote hurling to the top of the sporting world😊

As we are, no.
If the brits offered us the 6 back on condition that we become a member, then yes, as an independent nation a la the rest of them, bar scotchland and the whelsh.
The way things could go, we might have to anyway.

Why would anyone want to join the Commonwealth? It’s done, and it will get even worse once Brexit kicks in.

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There are trade and travel benefits, plus a pick me up for the masses via a few handy medals every couple of years.It may well be fucked and sure, wouldn’t it be gas to be part of it while it went under.
If the EU goes mate, we’ll end up irrevocably tied to them. At that stage, fuck it sure, why not.


Why do the armchair Republicans always scream blue murder over this? Even Dev thought leaving was stupid.

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Forget history @ChocolateMice rubbish

Dev was a wanker who would have loved nothing more than a throne of his own. Bad example there.


Terrible response

The author of the Irish Constitution had already created a throne for his retirement in the Presidency.

The logic to staying in the Commonwealth was keeping up a link a cultural link with the Prods.

Arent you American?

Why would republicans want to be be part of a commonwealth? Doing it to placate the prods doesn’t really cut the mustard, mate. You either have a political stance or you don’t - We’re republicans but we want to stay part of the imperial empire that doffs its cap to a monarch - that would have a rather hallow ring to it, don’t you think?


Why are South Africa apart of it?

I wouldn’t be rushing to take political advice from the South Africans. They’ve had one or two dodgy policy decisions over the years.

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A bit of punctuation required Tim

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And Ireland has been clean sailing yeah?

It baffles me that armchair Republicans are so resolute against something which might bridge the gap a bit with Unionists.

Clean sailing isn’t an expression, mate.


Sweet response, enjoy supporting your sectarian British soccer team this weekend :+1:t2: