Ireland v France ☘

You nasty prick



“He’s in your head, in your head, Molumby, Molumby, Molumby”.

Fuck sake.

Joe Molloy asked a pundit before the game who would score a long range screamer against us tonight and the guy said Pavard.

I hate being proved right

A proper cork Cunt alright

Need to get Cullen off the set pieces. His delivery is awful so far tonight. Looks like he hasn’t got the strength to get the ball beyond the first defender

We’ve had loads of set piece opportunities but not one really dangerous delivery yet.

Reminiscent of the goal he scored against Argentina in the 2018 World Cup.


Incredible finish by Pavard, zero backlift.

Baz’s shot stopping stats coming back to haunt us

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I think he was caught on the wrong foot. Not sure it was the most progressive pass in the world even if he played it accurately. Knight wasn’t in more space than Cullen

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The wall was practically in the north side for that free kick.

Darragh said he fell out of favpur at the World Cup, Im pretty sure he got injured. Top player.

Cullen panicked, pity as he’s been steady throughout before that.

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I was predicting a 2-0 victory for France beforehand and unfortunately its looking like that now. An unsatisfactory type score that you can’t really gauge much from.


We’d nearly be as well have the floodgates open and try and get Kenny out the door. France haven’t tried a leg and are at their leisure


It was exactly the kind of slack ball accross the box France were waiting on. Pity.
