Ireland v Switzerland - Euro 2020 Qualifier

Obviously ??? What might have given the impression that he obviously needed help??? — And the Irish fans are harmless ffs, they’ve never given anyone a hard time ever … Stephen needs to take some personal responsibility for his actions and stop blaming everyone else.

He made up a story about both his nans dying, he obviously wasn’t in a good place.

The Irish YBIG mob are clowns. Every single last one of them.

He lied about his grandmother dying and refused to play for Ireland and a few lads called him names as a result… that’s about the gist of it? You’re some snow flake.

Interesting read.

It’s hard to believe he only played 6 times for Ireland, he was one of the few bright sparks of the Stan era, he looked like he could make things happen.

Seems like he dealt with things badly quite a bit, not just the Granny thing, even later in his career at Villa and Stoke.

Not at all. You said it was no surprise his boys play for England, I said of course its not given the way Ireland fans treated his dad.

Ireland fans didnt treat him badly at all — you’re saying a few lads in some fan club called him a few names :laughing: – that’s part of being a highly paid footballer ffs … 99% of fans treated him as they would any other player … Is his wife English? You can understand the lads wanting to play for England if their mother and her family are English, theyve probably grown up with them

I think Stephen Ireland may be a compulsive liar


Ireland fans made a mockery of him over the granny thing, which was as much a cry for help as you’re likely to see. Its disappointing how you’re standing up for this sort of behaviour. I thought you were woke. He was a young dad struggling to cope, I thought you’d understand the sort of pressure he was under.

I think what we’ve learned about all of this is what an alright sort the likes of Micah and Ben were. Also very nice of Vincent to invite him to the testimonial, it obviously means a lot to Stephen.

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His wife’s from Cark

Both parents and all their family on both sides are Irish and they elect to play for England … That’s bizarre. But the best of luck to them.

He made a mistake, then repeated it after it didnt work the first time and then continued to make the same mistakes … and all while earning ridiculous money? and you want sympathy for him? Good one :grinning:

The lad strikes me as gutless and a liar - That’s his issue right there.

The chap needed an arm around him, and to feel loved. But the Irish fans couldn’t see that and ended up with the Hunt brothers. You reap what you sow.

himself and Michael Johnson both came up at similar times and were both precocious. Michael Johnson could have been the new Colin Bell.

ironically, it was Mark Hughes that got the most out of Ireland. Hughes has a great record of getting the most out of troubled lads, he always got the best out of Bellamy as well. Pity he was a fucking useless manager

You earn that kind of adoration mate … if you put your hands up and say I fucked up then no better country to look after you … but he went and did the same shit again, and again, and again…there’s only so many chances you are given in life, especially when you live a privileged life as a highly paid sports star …

Hughes sold Richard Dunne and for that there will be no reckoning for him from me. Fuck him.

City was a mess at the time unfortunately, had it been in any way different both could have had a chance. Richards did well to get through the way he did even. Sturridge was probably better getting away as it turned out.

No one asked for adoration. He was bullied and ridiculed at a time when he needed compassion and understanding.

A few simpletons called him a few names ? That’s part and parcel of his job … As I said earlier, you’re a snowflake and Ireland is gutless.

Not bizarre at all. If you grow up somewhere you have every right to call that place home. Half of Europe play for countries which their parents emigrated to

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Stephen Ireland is one of those lads who constantly needed the arm around the shoulder. Needed the love and appreciation constantly. We’ve all been in dressing rooms with lads like that. A good manager and teammates will tolerate it if the talent is there. Which it was with Ireland.

He was an easy target, he was just a little bit different. A bit odd.

It’s a shame the way his career worked out, or didn’t work out. At the back of it all, he still doesn’t come across as a dislikeable guy for me. I’d just have sympathy for him.

As @myboyblue, he’s a troubled individual

And as I said earlier, understanding was what was needed, and I was mistaken to think you were woke and would understand the trials of fatherhood on a young working man.