Ireland vs Armenia. Tuesday @ 7.45 i presume

I’m not going to lie, I’m perplexed by the inability to learn from mistakes. Can’t figure out if the blame for that lies with the players on the pitch or the manager on the sideline. Perhaps it’s somewhere in the middle.

Like, fuckin hell. We’ve taken the lead while playing well in the last 3 Nations League Games, away to Ukraine, away to Scotland and home to Armenia. Set up well and not overly stretched. Looking solid. All 3 games similar.

And then lapse into old failings and concede too easy and look wide open.

Is that on Kenny or is it on the players on the pitch losing concentration

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It generally happens after half time, so he’s prepared them well, we looks solid, then its like he is confusing the fuck out of them. Either that or the opposition are tweaking little things and he can’t react from the line. You have to be able to spot little changes and patterns from the line and the assistant and coaches are responsible too. Its a habit now, not even a pattern that we can’t sustain dominance even against the likes of armenia. Its pretty damning

How many goals from distance did we ever concede when Glenn Whelan was anchoring the midfield and filling the space around the edge of our box?


The likes of Kenny’s Kids sharing videos of Delaney scoring an OG to try and discredit his valid opinions🙄 I actually think he’s a decent pundit. I enjoy listening to him. Kenny cannot be questioned at all in some quarters.

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Serious lad. Played the game at a high level. Calls it as he sees it and doesn’t seem to have an agenda.


Be grand

If we got our old friends we’d get:

:denmark: 1 pt
:wales: 3 pts
:georgia: 1 pt
:gibraltar: 6 pts?

11 pts at best. Georgia are a team on the up

Edit: obvs 24 points at best

We’d get 5-7points on current form.

A bit misleading though in the sense that we only picked up one point from 2 games against Russia and the Swiss under Kerr in 2003. He stocked up on points against Georgia and got 4 from 6 against the Albanians. Playing Switzerland last meant we still technically had a chance.

The 2006 qualifying campaign under Kerr could have been iconic if one or two little breaks had gone his way in games. There was something special about having four (4) teams duking it out. Ourselves, the French, Switzerland and Israel had a dramatic mini-league with a plethora of draws.

I’d say it entered the footballing lexicon sometime around 2017/18. It’s become a go to phrase now for managers, pundits and even players alike.

Ah you can’t throw Wales in there. They’ve been a good calibre of team with a couple of generational talents in Bale and Ramsey. Coasted past “darkhorses” Turkey at the last Euros. As we’re all aware they also ousted Belgium in a Euro 2016 quarter-final. They really ought to have been winning our 2018 qualification group. MON ousted a good team there.

Bale was missing in Cardiff and Taylor broke Colemans leg, they were down to 10 for 20+ minutes in Dublin.

We were steeped to win in Cardiff but it was one of the great nights.

The less said about the playoff the better

These November tests are pointless. I think we could all do with 6 months off from Spock’s thunder birds

Indeed. I made a similar point to somebody else in a different way earlier. I shat myself in around 2006 after having 14 pints and a kebab. Embarrassing, yes. But it didn’t mean I wasn’t knowledgeable about kebabs.

Re another point. I recall seeing “low block”, “medium block” etc for the first time when an opposition scouting report on Newcastle done by Villas-Boas for Mourinho when they were at Chelsea did the rounds online. That must have been over a decade ago?



The whole Kenny thing has become a real #culturewar. Fellas just picking an ideological position and sticking with it no matter what. Not everyone here now to be fair a lot have been very balanced in criticism and support. I fear for him now that he may have completely lost any momentum he briefly had. I’d still stick with him mostly because I have not heard one other viable option that is anyway attractive or would come anywhere near guaranteeing success. But also because as I’ve said before he represents an ‘idea’ which is the only future for soccer in this country imo. A unified approach or vision from grassroots to the professional league to the international team. There simply has to be a proper link between all these and the manager of the international team should ideally have a love for, knowledge of and understanding of the underage grassroots game and the league of Ireland.
We are almost unique in that none of our international team live in the country so we have different needs to other countries that a gun for hire can’t fill.

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No matter who is manager we seriously lack quality in attacking areas. Can’t think of too many creative midfielders to bring in. Smallbone the best bet.

That makes being defensively sound even more vital and the evidence strongly suggests kenny isn’t capable of doing that.

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We need a proper cynical cunt to play at the base of the midfield.

Why is there a lack of attacking quality and creative midfielders now? Is there something inherently wrong in the coaching?