Ireland vs Spain

Ignore the fool. He’s almost 50 ffs and the carry on of him.

You would never understand through your ignorance the love the loyal fans have for their national team TTK.

Agreed, but ats still how we qualified.

I know, I would just like to announce that I’m coming out of retirement from international Football.

Great stuff from fans. We were hugely outclassed but that’s hardly unexpected. Not one player gave less than 100% and while I’d quibble with one or two traps calls it is far from our undoing. Glee which some take in our showing is hard to take. Fact is quakifying for these finals was in itself a sizeable achievement. Far easier to do well in sports where other nations playing numbers aren’t as high or where few nations compete.
A proud Irishman

Brady seems to fancy James McCarthy is he in the squad?

Well said Larry…Wardy did the parish proud tonight

Aboy Lar!

Follow Horse Racing mate, we are number one in a worldwide sport.

It’s not through ignorance. This is the problem with Ireland, we settle for being the laughing stock of Europe. We do have the talent to compete in these games, we just haven’t utilised our assets well enough. Trappatoni brought on some guy on the dole. Irish fans should be booing throughout, this is a disgrace, but no we are singing along like simple little leprechauns. Why do people think it is great to sing along to a performance like that, it’s not acceptable. This is the problem with our psyche in general in this country. Fucking backward, second class, simple citizens.

Best team in the tournament beats the worst by a street. No surprise. Tan was right. Hope ye are all men enough to admit it

The Tipping King has a point one would have to admit. Denis O’Brien is some cunt for inflicting that gee bag Trapatoni on us.

TTK go to the Guinness tent in cheltenham and you’ll see plenty of simple leprechauns . Not my game but soccer gives a lot of people a lift and in times like these that’s no harm

Well I’m sorry TTK. But I won’t boo an Irish side. No matter what the performance. Call me old fashioned.

Must have seen you booing Dunguib there after the N H in 10. Sizing in 12 and istabraq in 02. Fuck em if their not good enough eh?

i agree…singing when your being bet 4-0 does not sit easy with me…theres a reason other fans don’t do it…Ambition…
hate to say it me but it stinks of fans desperate to salvage some memory from what was in all truthfulness a damp squib of a week…

Qualification was achieved by beating Estonia and a 10 man Armenia. Hardly superpowers of the world game. A bit of perspective.

Agreed 100%. But surely the fans are entitled to that without criticism?

The one thing we cal all agree on is that Jeffery is a proper cunt.

You can be sure as fuck that they wouldn’t be singing and patting lads on the back if the Irish horses weren’t performing well and being beat out of sight and embarrassed on a world wide stage. If I was in that stadium tonight I would have booed throughout and tried to get on the pitch to confront the 73 y/o geezer that put an unemployed man on the pitch.


true but another bit of perspective is we’re irish and when we’re the underdog we at the very least like to have a go…we haven’t really gone hell for leather once in this tournament in fairness…

Think Gibson burned his bridges with Trap when he basically told him to mind his own business after Trap urged him to leave United.