Irelands call

The head on that lad ffs :smile:

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Granted, the light in that picture does him no favours, but fuck, that is one ugly fucking head.

The head on the blueshirt councillor in the article is even worse :smile:


Does anyone know why we don’t play both anthems at away matches too? Was that the agreement with the Nordies? @Nembo_Kid did your lot decide we couldn’t play our anthem abroad or what?

Your people?

We think the staters should play Take It Down From The Mast.

Fair play to MicheĂĄl Mac Donncha.

The big West Brit head on “Neale Richmond” who was lambasting his comments.


Comrade Mac Donncha will be getting my vote in the next GE


Because it isn’t the anthem of the team?

The Soldier’s Song is only played in the Aviva because games are held there. Of course the Nordies weren’t returned the privilege in 2007 in Belfast with their anthem.

Who is the soldier’s song played for of not the team?

I think it has something to do with the President being in attendance and that’s why the proper anthem is played in Dublin.

The home crowd. It is being played in Dublin.

The IRFU agreed that the Soldier’s Song would be played in Dublin and God Save the Queen in Belfast. When Ireland’s Call came on the scene it was decided to keep the anthem of the Republic as games were still being played there.

The IRFU reneged on their agreement to play GSTQ in 2007.

Quite embarrassing that the IRFU decided to stare down the howls of rage from Ulster rather than deal with the armchair Republicans here who can’t even speak Irish.

A West Brit song for a West Brit team, nothing to see here


Good old Fran, calls it as he sees it.

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There was the story of Terry Mancini, who played a number of times for Ireland in soccer. He was born and reared in England of Italian and Irish ancestry. His first game for Ireland at the age of 30 in Oct 1973 was in Poland, where the first stanza and the chorus of the ‘Soldier’s Song’ were played. At the end of it, Mancini reportedly sighed: “I hope ours isn’t as long.”

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Niall Quinn, in a story which may be apocryphal and is surely embellished, described the scene when the Taoiseach said his piece to the Irish heroes of 1990.

Those of us brought up in Ireland stood there in amazement and he made a speech about the sporting sons of Ireland. It was hair-standing-on-the-back-of-neck stuff. Tony Cascarino was behind me and said loudly ‘Who the f**k is that?’ ruining the moment.

I thought, Oh my God, and said ‘that’s the Taoiseach’ and Andy Townsend was beside him and said really loudly again ‘Who is it, Cas?’ and he said ‘I don’t know, Quinny said he owns a tea shop’.

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Your man Strauss would find that hilarious as would Best and the other non Irish lads on the rugby team.

Jared, Devin and Jordi would enjoy it too

You mean Irish citizen Strauss who has lived in Ireland for 6 years and put many of the “Oirish” heroes of 1990 to shame with his signing of the anthems on his debut?

How many times do the Scousers and other heroes of 1990 come back to Ireland apart from all expenses paid for jolly up speaking engagements for “fans” of North West English city clubs?

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He’s not Irish and never will be… Italia 90 was 25 hears ago, I suggest you get over it. Also, you posted that ridiculous Terry Mancini quip only a few months ago and surprisingly it hasn’t got any way amusing in the mean time. I’ve already explained to you that most Irish people with a bit of pride in their country would rather see 11 Chinese lads with tentative Irish links play soccer for us than have a load of Orange cunts supposedly represent us in soggy biscuits.