TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

The bould Kev was “ stirred “ into a response.

Never know its one that has popped up a few times very recently with accounts of people I follow have liked or follow this account. Never heard of said person before and I’m questioning to the intent of the account. Is it a real person who will look to get elected somehow or as I suspect a sock puppet for a person of questionable opinions. No better man to ask on right wingers. I find that there are some points that I agree with but am I getting sacked into a hole that I’d rather avoid

Aoife Carey is obviously not a real person and the photo is either AI generated or it is Lindsey Stanton from some US website about keeping fish as pets called “It’s A Fish Thing”.


The reason I suspect it’s a sock puppet of Arse is that the writing style is pure Arse, the content is pure Arse, the account retweets Arse and Grift a lot, and there are little giveaways in there such as the continual pretence that it is not a far right account - that’s pure Arse - and little references to non-political stuff like Cavan Cola (Arse is from Monaghan) and dance music from 1993 which are also pure Arse.

The person who operates it is obviously very online and well versed in Twitterspeak, and that suggests Arse too.

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Tremendous work. Thanks for that. Do these accounts pay twitter to get boosted and targeted? I’m interested on how this comes up but certain accounts that I follow don’t appear despite me being interested in those accounts that I follow

I do not know. What I do know is that the very first tweet by the account got 15 likes which seems a wee bit high for a supposedly organic new account from Ireland.

The account is definitely operated by a real person but it is clearly connected to some sort of network of these types of accounts.

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At the bottom of this post there is a list of far right “Irish” Twitter accounts which existed in January 2019.

Most don’t exist any more.

The online far right Twittersphere is a constantly shape shifting miasma.

Be interesting to see how long “Aoife” lasts.

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I’m sure it’ll be like icarus and rise high and burn when we find out. It’s gas the amount of accounts are run by the same county councillors. Sad really

God be with the days when councillors got potholes filled , road lights , got paws greased to zone land etc - nowadays the useless cunts fight culture wars on social media :rage::rage:


Why is he called Johnny Arse?

He went to private school and in an initiation that went wrong a Johnny got stuck up his arse. The rumour was that despite the trip to a and e, the Johnny never came out.

In school he had a huge oversized arse and he was a huge arse.

At the time he was mad-in-the-head Fianna Fail. He was in 6th year for the 2002 General Election. A local independent candidate named Paudge Connolly came to talk to the 6th years and Johnny Arse brought a massive banner into the school attacking him for something or other. A huge fucking thing. Ironically Connolly later joined FF. Later a few lads stuck a Fine Gael sticker onto his locker for a laugh and he ran complaining to Principal Paraic Duffy, tears rolling down his cheeks.


I see a lady named "Bride Caribe"in the replies who seems to be very similar

A couple of posters leaning very close to the wind giving these cunts attention or worse still supporting their lies.

The Royal visit to Tipperary drew the cunts out left right & centre giving grief to people on social media these past few days.

It’s funny though, some of these creeps are very odd about exposing their identities.

Now, more than ever these creepy cunts need to be watched & reported for their vile shit.

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What was this?

Fuck off

A standard response from a very irrational poster.


a great environmentalist is in Ireland and they are seething

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Soros, Zionists etc.