Irelands greatest ever Statesman -Martin McGuinness

He was no saint we know

Shush Joe

He has blood on his hands but he’s not the only one, something the likes of John Bruton and O’Dowd refuse to acknowledge. Peadar Tobin mentioned how he asked Enda Kenny on numerous occasions to meet with the victims of British Army atrocities but he has refused. Kenny, like his FG cohorts, are only comfortable kicking those that are an easy target while bowing down to their perceived betters. If nationalists adopted an FG approach in Derry and Belfast they would have all been burned out of their homes and then doffed their caps to unionists as they ran south of the border.


A guard of honour was formed in the IFSC at 11am this morning


The blueshirts don’t ever seem capable of acknowledging that their Unionist chums built a racist, bigoted state. This doesn’t ever seem to come up in RTE hosted discussions on Northern Ireland. You can’t even discuss the IRA in any meaningful terms if you can’t mention what they were reacting to.

The IRA didn’t introduce violence to Northern society, they were a reaction to a rotten society that was built and sustained by violence.

Even if you don’t agree with the nature of that reaction, you must at least acknowledge that much.


I agree with you

A fitting description from our Italian brothers.

Refreshing to see global commentary eulogising Martin and bring a sense of impartial perspective to proceedings.


I’m sick to death of saying this… The banner that was unfolded last year with O’Connell and Parnell et al sums up our political establishment and media perfectly - Soup takers.

Great post @Watch_The_Break,

RIP Martin.

McGuinness will be mentioned in the same bracket as Pearse and Tone in our grandchildrens history books

The way society is going, there won’t be any books. And I dont mean it’ll be electronic, education will just be gone out the window, people will be graded on their selfie skills and ability to bully others online.

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Not if the likes of that braying cunt Bruton has any say in it.

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Bruton will be forgotten by history. A quisling cunt who’s greatest achievement is to keep himself in the media by ferociously tugging his forelock.


Well he has one more great feat to his name. He managed to bring down the Government in 82 by attempting to place vat on childrens clothes

it was shoes

The cunt wanted the children barefoot. Is that the stupidest thing to ever bring down a government?

The Catholic Church taking down Noel Browne over trying to provide free medical care to children would also be in contention.

Such a pity we’ve nobody to translate that. :worried:


Goodbye to the Irish Mandela, from bloody Sunday to the peace agreements.

Maybe you wanted to test the resident Italian experts though :wink:

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