Irelands greatest ever Statesman -Martin McGuinness

I met Martin McGuinness once in Monaghan. He was clearly a very intelligent man with an understated charisma (if that’s possible). I liked the quote above about the war coming to him, that’s a good description. He and Adams would have been leaders no matter what kind of society they lived in. Real leaders, not from some lofty plane of society where it was inevitable they would step into their fathers / relatives position or Dail seat for example, but through their intelligence and force of will. Actual men of the people who could and can articulate what their people think.
He is a huge loss. I hope Sinn Fein and all republicans work to achieve his aims through non violent means. That would be the greatest tribute that could be paid to him.
Ar dheis de go raibh a anam.


Steelstown is outside the city.

Niall Forrester is also from Steelstown.

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Speaking of the presidency and the possibility of a 2018 election, Bertie Ahern omnipresent all day burnishing us with his credentials.

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Nesbitt acting the cunt here.

Ian Paisley jr very magnanimous here.

It’s not in the Bogside/Brandywell area but it’s in the city.

Just thinking how amazing it is to listen to the tributes being paid, and how far Northern Ireland has come. All of that is a tribute to McGuinness, Adams and the likes of Paisley Sr, Trimble etc.


It’s a good bit outside. Closer to Donegal than the city centre.

Lived with a lad from Steelstown when in Belfast and he didn’t regard it as part of the city, think would be the consensus of the locals.

The head on that horrible cunt O’Callaghan when Mary Lou mentioned McGuinness not recoiling from his IRA membership.

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Mary Lou looking lovely.

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I caught the BBC World news segment this morning and the main focus was IRA COMMANDER, IRA LEADER, FORMER TERRORIST!!!

On the other hand the unionist comments I’ve seen so far are for the most part very complimentary and portray a genuine sadness at his dearh


Greatness is generally forged in turbulent times. The irony is that Martin McGuinness’s whole life purpose was that there never had to be another Martin McGuinness.

I hope there isn’t, as that will be his ultimate victory.


I respectfully disagree with you on this, mate.

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Let’s not squabble today bhoys.


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I accept our difference of opinion.


Austin Stack gonna be on newsnight BBC 2

I heard both Tony Blair and Alistair Campbell singing his praises.

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He be better off keeping his head down for a month or two.