Irish banking shares

not MGG- your bird

if you are buying the house between you, fair play to you for requesting information to dodge paying the relevant tax.
you have some neck lad, some neck

if she has no part to play in the purchase then i apologise in advance.

[quote=“HBV*”]if you are buying the house between you, fair play to you for requesting information to dodge paying the relevant tax.
you have some neck lad, some neck

if she has no part to play in the purchase then i apologise in advance.[/quote]

nice to see yu wasting your own time instead that of your boss
some fucking neck

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Cupla Ceist
Are you buying on your own and are you a FTB?

If you are buying with A N Other and you are both FTB’s; only have the sale stamped in one name; then the FTB is available should you and A N Other consider trading up to Haddington Road. If the trade up is in both names 50% of the stamp duty due will qualify for ftb relief.

Small print: as it currently stands.[/quote]

That’s not quite the case MGG.

If both parties are required for the mortgage then both are required to go on the deeds. Some lenders will continue to overlook this as most did in the past but revenue are getting very fussy on it. I moved gaff today and weeks before I closed I got a letter from Revenue about stamp duty. No idea how they even knew because there were no documents from us until the sale completed obviously. (Possibly a CGT issue on the other side alerted them).

Pretty sure you can still get away with the one on the deeds, two on the mortgage trick but be under no illusions that this is expressly against Revenue’s guidance and if you’re caught does result in penalties and interest.

Art - stamp duty is all or nothing. There’s no 50% at play I’m afraid.

Buy nothing within the canals unless it has off street parking or is on a cul-de-sac.
And before you start doing the blow hard; I do know what I’m talking about.[/quote]

I thought Serpentine Avenue was in Ballsbridge/Sandymount outside the Canals??

[quote=“therock67”]That’s not quite the case MGG.

If both parties are required for the mortgage then both are required to go on the deeds. Some lenders will continue to overlook this as most did in the past but revenue are getting very fussy on it. I moved gaff today and weeks before I closed I got a letter from Revenue about stamp duty. No idea how they even knew because there were no documents from us until the sale completed obviously. (Possibly a CGT issue on the other side alerted them).

Pretty sure you can still get away with the one on the deeds, two on the mortgage trick but be under no illusions that this is expressly against Revenue’s guidance and if you’re caught does result in penalties and interest.

Art - stamp duty is all or nothing. There’s no 50% at play I’m afraid.[/quote]

Agree; Revenue are getting very picky now that they have nought else to do but I’m almost possitive Art will qualify for some relief. He may have to apply for it after the full wad is paid but similar to the old Consangenuity Relief the application is considered on a case by case after the full receipt. I’d be confident that after the deal is done and the Solicitor collects a sinful cheque, I think Art might be able to apply for a FTB rebate.

All that being said; 'Tis 15 years since I did tax papers so what would I know other that Stamp Duty remains to be fully deductable and fully indexed for Investors. ha ha tis great all the same.

BTW good luck in the new gaff; whats NCC like as a neighbour? Or is that Tip reg Carina dripping oil all over the footpaths?

Probably; D4 wouldn’t be as familar to me as it is to the Legal Profession. I used the Canals as a marker or bench mark for traffic management and congestion shit attacks.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Agree; Revenue are getting very picky now that they have nought else to do but I’m almost possitive Art will qualify for some relief. He may have to apply for it after the full wad is paid but similar to the old Consangenuity Relief the application is considered on a case by case after the full receipt. I’d be confident that after the deal is done and the Solicitor collects a sinful cheque, I think Art might be able to apply for a FTB rebate.

All that being said; 'Tis 15 years since I did tax papers so what would I know other that Stamp Duty remains to be fully deductable and fully indexed for Investors. ha ha tis great all the same.

BTW good luck in the new gaff; whats NCC like as a neighbour? Or is that Tip reg Carina dripping oil all over the footpaths?[/quote]

where did you move to Rock ?

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Agree; Revenue are getting very picky now that they have nought else to do but I’m almost possitive Art will qualify for some relief. He may have to apply for it after the full wad is paid but similar to the old Consangenuity Relief the application is considered on a case by case after the full receipt. I’d be confident that after the deal is done and the Solicitor collects a sinful cheque, I think Art might be able to apply for a FTB rebate.

All that being said; 'Tis 15 years since I did tax papers so what would I know other that Stamp Duty remains to be fully deductable and fully indexed for Investors. ha ha tis great all the same.

BTW good luck in the new gaff; whats NCC like as a neighbour? Or is that Tip reg Carina dripping oil all over the footpaths?[/quote]

That’s not the case these days MGG. There’s no rebate for stamp duty once the purchase is shared. As I said (and as you’ve hinted) there are ways of separating the ownership of the property from the mortgage to get around that but it’s expressly prohibited so it remains to be seen whether you’d get away with it or not.

In the past this wasn’t even an issue - remember how parents went on mortgages but not on deeds to avoid this scenario. But most lending institutions have toughened up. I had it offered to me though. Wasn’t going to take it for many reasons but certainly would have been put off by the correspondence from Revenue that I got before Christmas. How they even knew about the purchase I’ve no idea and talked to my solicitor about it who was intrigued by the letter. They’re certainly chasing up stamp duty revenue like never before.

NCC - moved to South East Fingal. Back in my natural habitat. Woke this morning to a stiff but freshening sea breeze and the glorious sight of the trawlers returning to Howth with their rich bounty from the seas of Fingal. Fluirse talamh is mara - a truer county slogan was never created.

welcome back

[quote=“artfoley”]nice to see yu wasting your own time instead that of your boss
some fucking neck[/quote]

your hypocrisy knows no boundaries!

the government hating, establishment hating, bertie hating civil servant who does his xmas shopping on the states time and who uses internet boards for tips to avoid paying his tax.

shame on you artfoley, shame on you!

[quote=“HBV*”]your hypocrisy knows no boundaries!

the government hating, establishment hating, bertie hating civil servant who does his xmas shopping on the states time and who uses internet boards for tips to avoid paying his tax.

shame on you artfoley, shame on you![/quote]

your ignorance knows no bounds and i’m done with you

you’ve run out of alleyways to crawl up more like it!
but that will happen when you go on like you do.

‘im done with you’ makes you sound hormonal!?

Yet more crap going on in the banks in the last couple of days. Anglo seemingly took a €4bn loan from Irish Life and Permanent near their financial year-end last September and they recorded it as a €4bn deposit from a customer rather than a loan from another bank to mask the fact their deposit levels had declined considerably. It transpired that Brian Lenihan didn’t fully read a report he commissioned on the banking crisis, which included information on this deception, and hadn’t factored it in when agreeing to nationalise Anglo. This reflects terribly on both Anglo and the government.

"Finance Minister Brian Lenihan told the Dail yesterday that officials in his department knew since October about Irish Life & Permanent’s transfer of deposits of up to €7bn during September.

Details of the transaction were contained in a report carried out by PricewaterhouseCoopers into the banking sector for the Government.

Sources said it was also outlined appropriately in a report by IL&P for the Financial Regulator the same month.

Mr Lenihan said the transaction involved Anglo placing funds with IL&P, while a subsidiary of IL&P, understood to be Irish Life Investment Managers (ILIM), put a similar amount as a corporate deposit.

The funds were included in Anglo’s accounts as “customer deposits”, serving to boost its end-of-year deposit base of €51.5bn to the tune of 7.8pc. "

It’s terrible. Ministers can’t keep saying stuff like “I was not told by my department”. If people in his department knew about billions in Anglo being recorded as a customer deposit to make the bank seem healthy then he needs to fire the people in his department who did not tell him.
Personally I believe he knew. If the people in his department did not think this was relevant then they all need to go.
Either the finance Minsiter needs to resign and admit that he has no control over his staff, they don’t tell him important information whcih is critical to the running of the econmeny or he fires teh staff responsible and sets an example that this can’t continue.
FFail are a complete shambles.
They spent alot of money getting a report to assess risk of using public money in banks.
The reports shows up this as being a risk and something worthy of further examination and yet he didn’t bother reading it.

Only for F.G. the government would have put 2 billion into Anglo, all the time Angle was trying to sell itself falsly to the government and the Irish people. People need to go to jail for this sort of stuff.

Yours in Rage,

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]

Only for F.G. the government would have put 2 billion into Anglo, all the time Angle was trying to sell itself falsly to the government and the Irish people. People need to go to jail for this sort of stuff.

Yours in Rage,

It’s getting worse and worse by the day. Directors secretly borrowing huge amounts and using their shares as collateral, Other banks assisting them by faciliting transfers and deposits of billions of euros to make the balance sheet look pretty, the Minister for Finance doesn’t bother reading a critical report before sinking billions of OUR money into the system and the “regulator” walks away with a 600k golden handshake. What the fook like? We’ll be broke before the end of the year.

If there are no criminal prosecutions and serious jailtime served by people responsible for this then there is no hope for this country.

BoI and AIB down double digits today, looks like the market doesn’t trust this bail-out to work. They should have let Anglo go tits up, banks are getting it too soft.

[quote=“The Runt”]It’s getting worse and worse by the day. Directors secretly borrowing huge amounts and using their shares as collateral, Other banks assisting them by faciliting transfers and deposits of billions of euros to make the balance sheet look pretty, the Minister for Finance doesn’t bother reading a critical report before sinking billions of OUR money into the system and the “regulator” walks away with a 600k golden handshake. What the fook like? We’ll be broke before the end of the year.

If there are no criminal prosecutions and serious jailtime served by people responsible for this then there is no hope for this country.[/quote]
This all happened when Anglo were apologising, when Fitzpatrick was found out, while the government was saying that it would not tolerate this.
then at the same time, Anglo were boosting up their figures disguised as a customer deposit to appear healthier so that the government would give them 2 billion.
It would have been money down a dark hole and lost within a few weeks.
Again, only for FG (whom I dont rate highly by the way) this would ahve happened.
The government is trying to save 2 billion in one way but was about to fire 2 billion down a black hole becuase it was being hoodwinked and even though the report said that there were issues, FF didn’t either bother to read it or did bother to highlight it once it was known.
A Pathetic government.
All involved in that deal from both banks should have criminal proceedings brought against them for treason. When the country needs it’s AAA rating the most these guys are just driving us into the ground.
Yours in being surprised at how lightly everyone is taking it and 2 labour people suspended from the dail while questioning th minister = pathetic ,

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]This all happened when Anglo were apologising, when Fitzpatrick was found out, while the government was saying that it would not tolerate this.
then at the same time, Anglo were boosting up their figures disguised as a customer deposit to appear healthier so that the government would give them 2 billion.
It would have been money down a dark hole and lost within a few weeks.
Again, only for FG (whom I dont rate highly by the way) this would ahve happened.
The government is trying to save 2 billion in one way but was about to fire 2 billion down a black hole becuase it was being hoodwinked and even though the report said that there were issues, FF didn’t either bother to read it or did bother to highlight it once it was known.
A Pathetic government.
All involved in that deal from both banks should have criminal proceedings brought against them for treason. When the country needs it’s AAA rating the most these guys are just driving us into the ground.
Yours in being surprised at how lightly everyone is taking it and 2 labour people suspended from the dail while questioning th minister = pathetic ,

Lads if this was happening in France or Greece there’d have been riots on the streets for the past week. I think everybody here has gone into self protection mode where they are just making sure they can fend for themselves but not looking at bigger picture.

Thats about it.
It’s gotten so bad that people are thinking that very soon we will see the billions put into AIB and BOI sink away into a void.
Anglo is a complete joke. What they were doing as late as last year is sickening.
It’s no wonder that people are getting out of Irish Banking shares. No-one trusts any figures. Even if their figures get caught out and pointed to the government we now have proof that the minister can ignore it and blame his department.
At the moment thought I think your right about people looking out for themselves.

Yours etc,