Irish COTY19: Cunt of the Year Log Thread 2019

Brendan o Neill, ardent brexiteer and absolute uucoam



Not who I was thinking of but heā€™s a glaring ommission if heā€™s not there. The Healy Rae family is my late nomination if allowable.

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That decision is not up to me.

This doesnā€™t augur well for his chances of reaching the knockout stages if his advocate and campaign manager is unable to confirm his nomination.

The bursting of Swinsonā€™s bubble(s) has affected you badly.
You may toddle to Greggā€™s and try spot someone, preferably well endowed to re-energise.


Iā€™d like to nominate Banks.

The fact that they have their own thread may have let them slip through the net here.
Least we forget and all that.

People struggling with the rules here

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What rules?

Iā€™d also like to nominate Aung San Suu Kyi before the gate closes.

You need to learn the rules

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The Healy Rae family.

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I see @Copper_pipe has unilaterally decided to take over the running of this from me this year after I nearly got the site shut down last year.

Iā€™m ok with that


Theres only one fucking rule. Irish only need apply.

And its the 2019 Awards. Itā€™ll be sorted in January. Fair play to @Copper_pipe for doing the early leg work so quickly though, you cant bate a bit of youth.

You can still handle the running of it. I was bored in work this morning so I decided to make things a little easier for you.

No. You go ahead now and do it right

I wonā€™t. Iā€™ll stick to the Hurling Prediction League. I can just about manage that.

Youā€™ll have to. Iā€™ve stepped down

Iā€™ll be doing fucking nothing.

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You cant oust a man and then offer it back to him, thats only cuckolding the fella.

We need to have a vote of confidence for @Fagan_ODowd as coordinator of COTY 2019.

Let the people decide for themselves.