Irish Cuisine

Tuscany is Irish cuisine. It’s Italian in name only, and in the true spirit of Irish cuisine, way way overpriced for what you get. The salad is American, the suplis are in now way like an Italian supli. Next…

Tell her Chicken Kiev is shite


Her [chicken] Kiev is in shite.

Rhubarb tart. Never seen it anywhere else in the world.



Good feed of that hard to whack
Nothing but butter and black pepper added


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Homemade brown bread is one of the very few things we are the best in the world at.

Add proper Irish butter and proper Irish jam for humble culinary heaven.

Every Irish Mammy’s speciality.


Missing due to smell it leaves in my tiny kitchen


And a fresh white sliced pan. Not like the muck you get abroad

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Jambons. Hot dog lattices. Gourmet black pudding rolls. Cuisine de France invented Irish cuisine really.

90% of time Jambons are awful, but you’d take the chance for the wan in ten. You can usually tell by looking anyway.

Hard to get a good sausage roll that isn’t burnt to a crisp. I likes em barely cooked and the pastry not flaking much. Same as a jambon really.

Fairgreen petrol station on Mulgrave street, the sausage rolls are ALWAYS perfect, trust me
Just how you like em


I wouldn’t bother with a sausage roll unless it was one of these notiony gourmet affairs, and even then you need to proceed with caution. Very easy get shtung with dry pastry and you’d wind up sat in the car bating it off your pants.

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The londis by the south court have a fine deli for the breakfast roll. Always full of builders in the morning which is a good sign. That said I wouldnt ate a breakfast roll to save my life these days.

Same people have the deli at the Bridge end of the Dock road, Barrons, same stuff as well, it’s a good enough deli.
But trust me on the fairgreen

I haven’t much business that side of the city but i will check it out. Hard to bate a good sausage roll

Leave the tie in the car, it’s a rough enough spot, but it’s a great deli, best in Limerick

Did you ate the skins on the spuds?

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