Irish Presidential results hub 2018

Tell that cunt to fuck off and ask him why he cycled 45 mins each way every day to be fiddled with by a priest

Thatā€™s Cork for you

There will be a few celebratory laps of the Phoenix Park in the Lear jet tonight


Someone should direct that prick to the Rush Sale so.

Open border unfortunately

Iā€™d say heā€™s surprised a few



Higgins ran against nobody from the major parties. The Shinner didnā€™t even have the party branding there. FG are comfortably on 30 odd percent in the polls. With their support, very easy for Kenny. Particularly because many in Ireland do have regard for what he did as Taoiseach.

In a campaign, it would have forced Higgins to attack the coalition and his own party. Combined with the expenses, it isnā€™t the absolute cakewalk that was set up for him this time.

The reason Kenny didnā€™t run is that he has a decent chance of becoming the EU Commission president still.

So fucking what

Another brilliantly fleshed out post there from you.

He could start here

Travellers make up 0.6 per cent of the population yet account for 10 per cent of the male prisoner population and 22 per cent of the female prison population.

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What is waffle? Itā€™s making a point. If you disagree, flesh that out.

Or are you just jumping it to help your bud Fagan?

Itā€™s waffle, itā€™s not making a point. Itā€™s fantasy notions.

Have you ever debated before?

Nothing to do with Cork Sinn Fein. - He is clearly having a pop off someone else

Iā€™m not going to engage your fantasist drivel.

How is it fantasist?

I said Kenny should have ran as he would have won.

I gave some reasons. Dispute that, otherwise I donā€™t know what youā€™re doing on a message board.

The bottom line here is Michael D has been a wonderful President and was untouchable no matter who was thrown in against him.

It took a fucking Plastic paddy to call out a few tinkers to even make an event of this ffs.

