Presidential Election 2018

Someone has just lost 10-15 likes with this post.

Think of how many bottles of linden village you could buy macnas with that 50k.
Or in truth, how many sick people or hungry children you could help.
The great socialist Michael d Higgins


Casey is staying in the race and has taken a pot shot at the sense of entitlement amongst welfare sponger

Duffy :smile:

Great tactics from Casey, he’s doubled his supporter base to a whopping 2% of the electorate. :rofl:

the poll doesnt take into account the recent furore

the establishment are on the back foot here and fanta pants doesnt like it


The poll is accurate, Smithers.

It was taken been the 13th & 17th, Casey’s real bounce (if there is one) would have been after the debate on TV3. Casey will comfortably get 5 or 6%.

Some bounce :laughing:

Smithers :grin:

Finally a politician with backbone who’ll call out the lazy layabouts who sponge off the hard working, tax paying, man and woman.

Vote early, vote often, vote Casey.

Every vote he gets is a smack in the face for the liberal, PC, do-gooder snowflakes.


Opinion Polls are done. Hilarious to see Hislop still place stock in them.

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This lad has the real head of an alco.

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I was thinking that myself, he’s very unkempt.

A president for people who get up early in the morning.

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I’d say he’s capable of saying anything when he’s had a few.

He’s probably still drinking from the night before


This is going to be some thumping indorsement for a popular incumbent, President Higgins on Friday. TFK permanently outraged badly out of sync with the views of the Eire electorate.