Irish Presidential results hub 2018

Higgins as President is a non event.

Casey is the story here. A breakdown by constituency will see a lot of political think tanks sitting up to take notice to see how to capture that vote.

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I certainly don’t think that.

Basically there was one mainstream candidate, the incumbent in a soft position, who got a bit over 50%. The fact that there was a contest says a lot imo. Plenty of people are not big fans of Michael D. He clearly has a popular mandate, but he isn’t Mary McAlese popular.

Fianna FĂĄil could easily pick it up. Fine Gael are too sold on being the incumbent party and the Simon Harris twitter posturing.

There was a contest only in name. It was a rout. A landslide.

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FF are fucked, that show up North last night will destroy them.

The gormless who cant think for themselves did as they were told - it was enough to get the establishment man over the line.

That was meant for Harry,but like I say Casey has awoken people,interesting to see what happens now.The average paye worker is sick of being taxed to the bone carrying a pile of useless fuckers who want everything handed to them


If Casey had any gumption now he’d start a Political Party. Time will tell if he has the balls to back up his steam.

There was a contest because enough local councils thought there should be, unlike Mary Mc’s second go. Which is interesting in itself.

I gave Sinn FĂŠin some credit for running someone, but they completely half assed it to the point where it was irrelevant.

The major parties should always put someone forward imo.

Yeah that’s worked out well in the past alright,where’s Lucinda?.

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But he has awoken the public, pal.

Very embarrassing alright.

They’re still a party caught in neutral. They keep Martin because he gets respectable numbers, enough to think they could ever get back to where they were. But that’s gone for them. It was dying from the 80s onwards in truth.

They’ve been talking about the North for a decade plus and shat their togs.

Agreed. 2 candidates hoovered up 3 of every 4 votes

Lucinda didn’t have a hope. She was anti abortion in one of the most liberal constiencies in the State. FG set the dogs (and the lovely Kate) on her. A centre right party is there for someone if done correctly. The PDs only died because they got too close to FF and their policies were stolen in the good times.

Listen that’s what happens most parties,as soon as they get big enough FF or FG take them into government and they get blamed for everything bad and are spat out never to return agin

Lucinda hadn’t a chance . She also was a victim of a really horrible vendetta from the Indo group .

Happens in a lot of countries to be fair- Lib Dems were fucked by coalition. The PDs actually lasted a long while though considering they were in Govt for the majority of their existence.

If McDowell had pulled the trigger on Aherne they’d still be around.

It was joked about not so long ago, but Joe Brolly would have walked this election

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Just seen those exit polls.

I only want to say that speaking as a socialist, a poet and a leprechaun that Michael D. Higgins is the most despicable streak of shite that this country has ever produced, second only to Bertie Ahern.

He is a fraud who has robbed the taxpayer to buy rent boys. A coward and a fake and a liar and a connoisseur of fine wines.

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Bertie handled the north well